9.The Redistribution of Income 9.收入再分配 Our position is a perfect1y simple one and we have the great advantage of understanding our position. We oppose socialism to capitalism. 我们的立场是非常简单明确的,我们的极大优势在于理
That's why under our plan, 95 percent of Americans will be able to file their tax return on a single page without keeping receipts, tracking paperwork, or filling out extra schedules. 因此,在我们的计划里,95%的美
Ted英语演讲:怎么样生产新鲜空气——Kamal Meattle
研究者卡迈勒.米艾涛向我们展示了如何通过在家居或写字楼的特定地点安放三种常见的室内植物,从而产生卓越的空气净化效果。Kamal Meattle on how to grow fresh air 怎么样生产新鲜空气Some 17 years ago, I became allergic to Delhi's air. My doctors told me that my lung capacity
TED演讲之伟大预言 伯特·鲁坦: 预见太空未来(2)
Let's take a snapshot at aviation. And there was a wonderful little short four-year time period when marvelous things happened. 让我们迅速回览一下航空工业。曾有四年短暂的美好时期,那时发生了许多奇迹。 It started in 1908, when the Wright
Paula Johnson在Ted英语演讲:男性与女性的健康护理
Paula Johnson: His and hers healthcare男性与女性的健康护理 Some of my most wonderful memories of childhood are of spending time with my grandmother, Mamar, in our four-family home in Brooklyn, New York. Her apa