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President Trump: Thank you. During the campaign, I traveled the nation and visited the cities and towns devastated by unfair trade policies, probably one of the major reasons I'm here today – trade. N
This is my favorite memo ever. 这是我最喜欢的备忘录。 Here is our new cut of the South Park movie to submit to the MPAA. 这是我们向美国电影协会提交的《南方公园》电影最新剪辑版。 I wanted to tell you exactly what notes we did and did not ad
奥巴马讲话 感谢退伍军人所付出的一切
Hello everyone. Veterans' Day Weekend is a chance for all of us to say two simple words: "Thank you." Thank you to that greatest generation who fought island by island across the Pacific, an
When we think about how it should be built, we were reminded of Ubudehe, the building process we learned about in Rwanda. 当我们思考着如何建造的时候,我们想起了Ubudehe,从卢旺达学到的建筑方式。 We wondered if we could fill those ver