This week, I traveled to Afghanistan--to thank our troops serving far from home, and to sign an historic agreement that will help us complete our mission and end the war. As Commander-in-Chief, nothin
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Neither immigration nor Islamic extremism are impossible to deal with. 移民问题和伊斯兰恐怖主义都不是不可能解决的 Join me now on one last trip, this time to Mexico. 现在跟我来看看最后的这个例子,这一次我们转向墨西哥 Now, of our three stories, thi
As I said, I am a proud son of the South. It's my home, and I will always love it. 正如我所说的,我是一个骄傲的南方孩子。那里是我的家,我将永远爱它。 But for the last 17 years I've built a life in Silicon Valley; it's a special place
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She didn't mind the cartoons too much. But what did disturb her was she got very persistent images or hallucinations of faces and as with Rosalie, 她并不大关注那部卡通,让她非常苦恼的是,这些幻觉持续地出现,而且跟罗斯莉的情况一样, the faces