Isabel Allende在Ted英语演讲:伊莎贝尔.阿连德讲述她的激情故事


伊莎贝尔· 阿连德(Isabel Allende,1942-),她出身智利的名门世家,萨尔瓦多·阿连德总统是她的伯父。她在一个奇妙的大家庭长大,外祖母为她打开了探索神秘世界的心灵之门。 1973年,智利发生流血政变,她的伯父萨尔瓦多·阿连德总统遇害,她踏上了流亡之路。 1981年,99岁的外祖父决定绝食自杀,她写给他一封长信,这就是《幽灵之家》。

Thank you so much. It’s really scary to be here among the smartest of the smart. I’m here to tell you a few tales of passion. There’s a Jewish saying that I love. What is truer than truth? Answer: The story. I’m a storyteller. I want to convey something that is truer than truth about our common humanity.All stories interest me,and some haunt me until I end up writing them. Certain themes keep coming up: justice, loyalty, violence, death, political and social issues, freedom. I’m aware of the mystery around us, so I write about coincidences, premonitions, emotions, dreams, the power of nature, magic.


In the last 20 years I have published a few books, but I have lived in anonymity until February of 2006, when I carried the Olympic flag in the Winter Olympics in Italy. That made me a celebrity. Now people recognize me in Macy’s,and my grandchildren think that I’m cool.




Allow me to tell you about my four minutes of fame. One of the organizers of the Olympic ceremony, of the opening ceremony, called me and said that I had been selected to be one of the flag-bearers. I replied that surely this was a case of mistaken identity because I’m as far as you can get from being an athlete. Actually, I wasn’t even sure that I could go around the stadium without a walker.




I was told that this was no laughing matter. This would be the first time that only women would carry the Olympic flag. Five women, representing five continents, and three Olympic gold medal winners. My first question was, naturally, what was I going to wear?

他们告诉我这并非玩笑 这将会是第一次仅仅由女性举着奥林匹克旗,五位女性代表了五个大陆,另外还有三位奥林匹克金牌获得者相当自然地,我的第一个问题是,那我穿什么好呢?



A uniform, she said, and asked for my measurements. My measurements. I had a vision of myself in a fluffy anorak, looking like the Michelin Man. (Laughter)

制服,她回复道并向我询问我的尺寸我的尺寸我马上想象到我穿着蓬松的厚夹克看上去就像个米其林男孩 (笑声)。

By the middle of February, I found myself in Turin, where enthusiastic crowds cheered when any of the 80 Olympic teams was in the street. Those athletes had sacrificed everything to compete in the games. They all deserved to win, but there’s the element of luck. A speck of snow, an inch of ice, the force of the wind, can determine the result of a race or a game. However, what matters most — more than training or luck — is the heart. Only a fearless and determined heart will get the gold medal. It is all about passion. The streets of Turin were covered with red posters announcing the slogan of the Olympics.

在二月中旬 我来到了都灵市,在这里成千上万的人欢迎着来自世界的80支奥林匹克代表团这些运动员们将会竭尽全力在比赛中竞争,他们均理应获胜,但是其中也存在运气的因素一个雪斑点,一英尺的冰,风速均可以影响到比赛的结果。但是,最为重要的-比训练或运气更重要-是心只有永不畏惧并拥有坚强的心的人能够获胜 这就是激情都灵市的街道被红色张贴画给盖满上面写着奥林匹克的标语。

Passion lives here. Isn’t it always true? Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. That is what I need for my characters in my books: a passionate heart. I need mavericks, dissidents, adventurers, outsiders and rebels, who ask questions, bend the rules and take risks. People like all of you in this room. Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters. (Laughter) They only make good former spouses. (Laughter) (Applause)

激情永驻此地。这真的永远是事实吗?心能够驱使我们并决定我们的命运,那是我在我的书中将要描述的角色拥有激情的心我需要个性,异议,勇于冒险以及变革的角色 她们提出质疑,脱离常规并敢于冒险就像在座的各位一样循规蹈矩的好人不会是有趣的角色 (笑声) 他们只会是好的前夫(妻) (笑声) (掌声)

In the green room of the stadium, I met the other flag bearers: three athletes, and the actresses Susan Sarandon and Sophia Loren. Also, two women with passionate hearts. Wangari Maathai, the Nobel prizewinner from Kenya who has planted 30 million trees. And by doing so, she has changed the soil, the weather, in some places in Africa, and of course the economic conditions in many villages.

在运动场的绿色房间中我遇到了其它的护旗手三位运动员,以及演员苏珊.萨兰登和索菲亚.罗兰以及拥有热情的心的两位妇女来自肯尼亚的诺贝尔奖获得者旺加里.马塔伊 她种植了超过3000万棵书,并通过此行为改变了非洲某些地方的土壤,天气。

And Somaly Mam, a Cambodian activist who fights passionately against child prostitution. When she was 14 years old, her grandfather sold her to a brothel. She told us of little girls raped by men who believe that having sex with a very young virgin will cure them from AIDS. And of brothels where children are forced to receive five, 15 clients per day, and if they rebel, they are tortured with electricity. In the green room I received my uniform. It was not the kind of outfit that I normally wear, but it was far from the Michelin Man suit that I had anticipated. Not bad, really. I looked like a refrigerator.

当然 这也改善了很多乡村的经济状况 以及柬埔寨活动家苏曼丽.马恩 她倾注了一切热情来抵抗童妓 当她14岁时,她的祖父将她卖到了妓院 她告诉我们这些被强奸的女孩若与男性发生性行为 便可治愈她们的爱滋病并且妓院逼迫童妓们每天必须接五到十五位客人 如果她们反抗,将会受到电刑在绿色房间中我接到了我的制服这并不是我平时所穿衣服的类型 但是这并不是我之前所想象的 米其林男孩似的服装。实际上并不差 我看上去像台电冰箱



But so did most of the flag-bearers, except Sophia Loren, the universal symbol of beauty and passion. Sophia is over 70 and she looks great. She’s sexy, slim and tall, with a deep tan. Now, how can you have a deep tan and have no wrinkles? I don’t know. When asked in a TV interview, "How could she look so good?" She replied, "Posture. My back is always straight, and I don’t make old people’s noises." (Laughter) So, there you have some free advice from one of the most beautiful women on earth. No gru

所有的护旗手都穿上了制服,除了索菲亚.罗兰 她是公认的美丽和热情的化身索菲亚已经超过70岁但仍然看上去很棒 她很性感,苗条并且很高,拥有古铜色皮肤 如何才能保持古铜色皮肤并且没有皱纹呢? 我不知道 电视采访时被问到:"她怎么看上去那么棒?" 她回复到: "姿势。我的背永远挺直,并且我不会发出像老年人那样的噪音。" (笑声)

nting, no coughing, no wheezing, no talking to yourselves, no farting. (Laughter)

所以,现在你们得到了来自 地球上最漂亮的女人之一的建议 不要呻吟,不要咳嗽,不要气喘 不自言自语,不放屁 (笑声)

Well, she didn’t say that exactly. (Laughter)

她正是严格按照她所说的而做的 (笑声)。

At some point around midnight, we were summoned to the wings of the stadium, and the loudspeakers announced the Olympic flag, and the music started — by the way, the same music that starts here, the Aida March. Sophia Loren was right in front of me – she’s a foot taller than I am, not counting the poofy hair.

在半夜的某个时候我们被叫到运动场一侧广播中传来会旗进场,同时音乐响起 顺便提一下,就是跟这里同样的音乐 阿依达进行曲 索菲亚.罗兰就站在我前面,比我高一个头 如果蓬松头不计算在内的话



She walked elegantly, like a giraffe on the African savannah, holding the flag on her shoulder. I jogged behind — (Laughter) — on my tiptoes, holding the flag on my extended arm, so that my head was actually under the damn flag. (Laughter) All the cameras were, of course, on Sophia. That was fortunate for me, because in most press photos I appear too, although often between Sophia’s legs. (Laughter) A place where most men would love to be. (Laughter) (Applause)

她步伐优雅,就像是非洲摹上的长颈鹿 将旗子一端扛在肩上,我则在后面小跑着 (笑声) 掂着脚,举高手才勉强够到旗子 因此,我的头实际上是在那旗子下面 (笑声) 所有的镜头当然是索菲亚 我还算幸运,因为后来登出的照片中,都有我的存在,虽然常是在索菲亚的双腿间 (笑声) 那可是大多数男人梦寐以求的地方(笑声) 。

The best four minutes of my entire life were those in the Olympic stadium. My husband is offended when I say this — although I have explained to him that what we do in private usually takes less than four minutes — (Laughter) — so he shouldn’t take it personally. I have all the press clippings of those four magnificent minutes, because I don’t want to forget them when old age destroys my brain cells.

我一生中最伟大的四分钟就在这奥林匹克体育馆中我的爱人听我这么描述,觉得没有受到尊重即使我私下跟他解释到我们的事往往还不到四分钟 (笑声) 所以他不应该觉得我是在针对他我留下了那四分钟的所有剪报因为我想永远不忘记即使我老了,记忆力退化。

I want to carry in my heart forever the key word of the Olympics — passion. So here’s a tale of passion. The year is 1998, the place is a prison camp for Tutsi refugees in Congo. By the way, 80 percent of all refugees and displaced people in the world are women and girls. We can call this place in Congo a death camp, because those who are not killed will die of disease or starvation. The protagonists of this story are a young woman, Rose Mapendo, and her children. She’s pregnant and a widow. Soldiers have forced her to watch as her husband was tortured and killed. Somehow she manages to keep her seven children alive, and a few months later, she gives birth to premature twins. Two tiny little boys. She cuts the umbilical cord with a stick, and ties it with her own hair. She names the twins after the camp’s commanders to gain their favor, and feeds them with black tea because her milk cannot sustain them. When the soldiers burst in her cell to rape her oldest daughter, she grabs hold of her and refuses to let go, even when they hold a gun to her head. Somehow, the family survives for 16 months, and then, by extraordinary luck, and the passionate heart of a young American man, Sasha Chanoff, who manages to put her in a U.S. rescue plane, Rose Mapendo and her nine children end up in Phoenix, Arizona, where they’re now living and thriving.

我也要将奥林匹克的精神铭记于心那就是"激情" 接下来的故事仍然与激情相关来到1988年,地点是在一座囚营附近里面都是刚果境内的图西族难民.顺便说一下,世界上80%的难民和流民,都是妇女和女童。这些地方简直就是刚果的死刑场,即使没有被杀死,最终也被病死或饿死故事的主角,是年轻女性罗斯马培德和她的孩子们,她是一位怀孕的寡妇士兵们逼迫她亲眼目睹自己的丈夫被折磨致死但是她努力维持自己七个孩子的生计几个月之后,她生了一对双胞胎两位小男孩,她用木棍剪掉了脐带,并用自己的头发把它系了起来,她将双胞胎命名为难民营两位长官的名字以获取他们的照顾,从而用红茶来喂养他们.因为她的奶水并不充足,当士兵冲进她的小屋并试图强奸她的大女儿时,她紧紧地抓住了她并严厉拒绝.即使被枪抵住脑袋也仍然如此不管怎么样,这个家庭撑过了16个月之后在运气的帮助下得到了一位年轻美国人,萨沙诺夫的同情心将她带到了美国的营救飞机上,罗斯马培德和她的九个小孩来到了亚利桑那州的菲历克斯,一直生活至今。

Mapendo, in Swahili, means great love. The protagonists of my books are strong and passionate women like Rose Mapendo. I don’t make them up. There’s no need for that. I look around and I see them everywhere. I have worked with women and for women all my life. I know them well. I was born in ancient times, at the end of the world, in a patriarchal Catholic and conservative family. No wonder that by age five I was a raging feminist — although the term had not reached Chile yet, so nobody knew what the heck was wrong with me. (Laughter) I would soon find out that there was a high price to pay for my freedom, and for questioning the patriarchy. But I was happy to pay it, because for every blow that I received, I was able to deliver two. (Laughter) Once, when my daughter Paula was in her twenties, she said to me that feminism was dated, that I should move on. We had a memorable fight. Feminism is dated? Yes, for privileged women like my daughter and all of us here today, but not for most of our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage, prostitution, forced labor — they have children that they don’t want or they cannot feed. They have no control over their bodies or their lives. They have no education and no freedom. They are raped, beaten up and sometimes killed with impunity, For most Western young women of today, being called a feminist is an insult. Feminism has never been sexy, but let me assure you that it never stopped me from flirting, and I have seldom suffered from lack of men. (Laughter) Feminism is not dead, by no means. It has evolved. If you don’t like the term, change it, for Goddess’ sake. Call it Aphrodite, or Venus, or bimbo, or whatever you want, the name doesn’t matter, as long as we understand what it is about, and we support it.

在斯瓦希里语中马培德意味着爱 我的书中的主角都是坚韧且充满热情的妇女正如罗斯马培德那样她们并非虚构,也没有必要虚构在我身边这样的身影无处不在我一生都和女性也为女性而工作我对她们非常熟悉很久以前我出生于很远的地方出生于一个宗主派天主教的保守家庭难怪我在5岁时就是热血沸腾的女权主义者不过当时女权这个词并不流行因此没人知道我到底哪出了问题(笑声) 很快地,我就发现要想享受自由得付出极高的代价,还有与长辈顶嘴但是我还是会去顶嘴,因为我每次被罚时下次都会被双倍奉还 (笑声) 有次,我当时20多岁的女儿宝拉给我说女权运动过时了,叫我好好过日子我们为此吵了一场难忘的架。真的过时了吗?的确,对于我女儿和在座各位这样幸福的女性,的确是过时了不过对其他地方的姐妹们却并非如此她们仍然在很小时就嫁人成为童妓,被强迫工作 生下自己不想要或者养不起的孩子们无法掌控自己的身体和人生无法教育且没有自由被强暴,殴打,有时还因受罚而被杀。对如今大多数西方年轻女性来说 被叫做女权主义者是一种污辱女权主义永远不会性感,但我要向你们担保我并没有失去调情的时机 并且我也很少受到缺乏男子气概的影响 (笑声) 无论如何女权主义并没有逝去 它只是不断在进化,如果你并不喜欢这词的话 在上帝的保佑下改变改名叫爱芙罗蒂、维纳斯或花瓶,如果你喜欢的话,名称并不重要,只要我们互相了解并理解其含义。

So here’s another tale of passion, and this is a sad one. The place is a small women’s clinic in a village in Bangladesh. The year is 2005. Jenny is a young American dental hygienist who has gone to the clinic as a volunteer during her three-week vacation. She’s prepared to clean teeth, but when she gets there, she finds out that there are no doctors, no dentists, and the clinic is just a hut full of flies. Outside, there is a line of women who have waited several hours to be treated. The first patient is in excruciating pain because she has several rotten molars. Jenny realizes that the only solution is to pull out the bad teeth. She’s not licensed for that, she has never done it. She risks a lot and she’s terrified. She doesn’t even have the proper instruments, but fortunately she has brought some Novocaine. Jenny has a brave and passionate heart. She murmurs a prayer and she goes ahead with the operation. At the end, the relieved patient kisses her hands.

我再讲一个热情但是却悲伤的故事这事发生在孟加拉的一个村子的小妇女诊所时间是在2005年珍妮是一位年轻的美国牙科卫生员在她三个星期的假期中作为志愿者来到了这个诊所她本来是准备去清洗牙齿但是当她到那里时却发现并没有医生没有牙科医生,诊所也到处飞满了苍蝇诊所外面排满了妇女她们要等了几个小时以看病第一位病人受着剧痛的折磨因为她有几颗臼齿腐烂了珍妮发现唯一的解决办法就是拔掉坏牙齿她没有相关执照,之前从没干过这事她冒了很大风险并且非常紧张她甚至没有适合的工具但是很幸运地是她带了奴佛卡因(麻醉药) 珍妮有着勇敢和热情的心她做了祈祷之后就开始进行手术最后,病人亲吻了她的手心那一天这位卫生员拔出了很多牙齿

That day the hygienist pulls out many more teeth. The next morning, when she comes again to the so-called clinic, her first patient is waiting for her with her husband. The woman’s face looks like a watermelon. It is so swollen that you can’t even see the eyes. The husband, furious, threatens to kill the American. Jenny is horrified at what she has done, but then the translator explains that the patient’s condition has nothing to do with the operation. The day before, her husband beat her up because she was not home in time to prepare dinner for him.

第二天,当她再次来到这所谓的诊所时她的第一位病人正和她的丈夫一起等着她她的脸看上去就像个大西瓜脸肿得都看不到她的眼睛她的丈夫非常愤怒,扬言要杀掉美国人珍妮对她所做到感到很惊讶 但是当翻译员解释时病人的状况与手术无关前一天,她的丈夫狠狠地揍了她一顿仅仅因为她没有为他准备晚餐。

Millions of women live like this today. They are the poorest of the poor. Although women do two-thirds of the world’s labor, they own less than one percent of the world’s assets. They are paid less than men for the same work if they’re paid at all, and they remain vulnerable because they have no economic independence, and they are constantly threatened by exploitation, violence and abuse. It is a fact that giving women education, work, the ability to control their own income, inherit and own property, benefits the society. If a woman is empowered, her children and her family will be better off. If families prosper, the village prospers, and eventually so does the whole country.


Wangari Maathai goes to a village in Kenya. She talks with the women, and explains that the land is barren because they have cut and sold the trees. She gets the women to plant new trees and water them, drop by drop. In a matter of five or six years, they have a forest, the soil is enriched, and the village is saved. The poorest and most backward societies are always those that put women down. Yet this obvious truth is ignored by governments, and also by philanthropy. For every dollar given to a women’s program, 20 dollars are given to men’s programs. Women are 51 percent of humankind. Empowering them will change everything — more than technology and design and entertainment. I can promise you that women working together — linked, informed and educated — can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. In any war today, most of the casualties are civilians, mainly women and children. They are collateral damage. Men run the world, and look at the mess we have.

旺加里马塔伊来到肯尼亚的村庄时她与妇女交谈,并向她们解释土地荒芜的原因是因为他们砍掉了那些树木她让妇女们种植新的树木并且进行浇灌慢慢地在五年或者六年后,他们拥有了森林土壤被催肥,村庄被拯救了,在最为贫穷的社会中往往妇女位于最低层并且很明显地是真相往往被政府所忽略同样也被慈善事业所忽略在妇女项目得到一美元的同时男性项目却得到了二十美元妇女占有人类的51%将妇女变强的话将会改变一切远超过技术,设计和娱乐所带来的影响 我敢保证如果妇女们一起工作相互联系,智慧并且受到过教育能够为这个星球带来和平和繁荣在当今的任何战争中,大多数受害者是平民主要是妇女和小孩。他们是被动受害者男性主宰世界,然后看着我们所带来这一切。

What kind of world do we want? This is a fundamental question that most of us are asking. Does it make sense to participate in the existing world order? We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged. In January I saw an exhibit of Fernando Botero’s paintings at the UC Berkeley library. No museum or gallery in the United States, except for the New York gallery that carries Botero’s work, has dared to show the paintings because the theme is the Abu Ghraib prison. They are huge paintings of torture and abuse of power, in the voluminous Botero style.

I have not been able to get those images out of my mind or my heart. What I fear most is power with impunity. I fear abuse of power, and the power to abuse. In our species, the alpha males define reality, and force the rest of the pack to accept that reality and follow the rules. The rules change all the time, but they always benefit them, and in this case, the trickle-down effect, which does not work in economics, works perfectly. Abuse trickles down from the top of the ladder to the bottom. Women and children, especially the poor, are at the bottom. Even the most destitute of men have someone they can abuse — a woman or a child. I’m fed up with the power that a few exert over the many through gender, income, race, and class.

到底我们需要怎么样的世界这是一个我们常常扪心自问的问题这对已有世界秩序行得通吗?我们需要一个珍重生命的世界并且每人都能够有丰富多彩的生活 而不仅仅是特权者的权力一月份我参观了费尔南多波特罗的绘画展览在柏克利大学的图书馆中在美国除了纽约展览厅没有博物馆或展览厅会展示波特罗的作品他们没有胆量展示这些绘画因为绘画主题是关于阿布格莱布监狱(萨达姆建造的集中营) 展览有着大量的虐待和侮辱的绘画在浩繁的波特罗风格中我没有办法得到这些图象从我的脑海中或者心中我最害怕的是不纯洁的力量我害怕力量的滥用以及力量所造成的暴力。我们的种族中,男人们定义现实然后逼迫他人接受现实遵守规则。规则常常发生变化,但总是对男性有益就这样,在一致遵循的状况下在经济上并不成立的规则却完美地存在从上到下,一层层的力量滥用女性和儿童,尤其是贫穷的,就这样处于底层,即使是最一无所有的男人也有人被他凌虐,常常是妇女或者儿童我再也受不了少数人操纵多数人通过性别,收入,种族和阶级的手段。

I think that the time is ripe to make fundamental changes in our civilization. But for real change, we needfeminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men. I’m talking about men with young minds, of course. Old guys are hopeless, we have to wait for them to die off. (Laughter) Yes, I would love to have Sophia Loren’s long legs and legendary breasts. But given a choice, I would rather have the warrior heart of Wangari Maathai, Somaly Mam, Jenny, and Rose Mapendo. I want to make this world good. Not better, but to make it good. Why not? It is possible. Look around in this room — all this knowledge, energy, talent, and technology. Let’s get off our fannies, roll up our sleeves and get to work, passionately, in creating an almost perfect world. Thank you.

我认为现在时机已经成熟可以根本性地改变我们的文明,不过若要真正改变,就需要让妇女的力量参与到世界当中我们需要让足够的妇女拥有权力并且培养男人心中的妇女力量这里当然是指年轻男人了老男人们都没求了,只能等着他们死光 (笑声) 的确我也想拥有索菲亚罗兰的长腿和着名的酥胸不过若是可以选择,我宁愿拥有勇敢的心像旺加里马塔伊,苏曼丽马恩,珍妮和罗斯.马培德那样的我想让世界变得更好不仅仅是消极地等待改变,而是参与改变为什么不这样?这是能够做得到的。看看这里,充满了知识,活力,才华和科技让我们走出冷气房,卷起袖子开始行动,带着我们的热情创造一个近乎完美的世界感谢大家。


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