






thank you very much,dear miss sir,ladys and gentlemen.oa, before i am i my speach, i would like to show you a vedio happen in hangzhou about the our hangzhou smallsize enterprise summit. can i?

thank you.after there days,you know, in house meetings and also fly all the way here, i can’t feel quite well today.but when i see the entrepreneurs, when i came to the sms, I always feel excited, cause when I join the asemis conference, i see from the eyes the dream,the passion,the hope.when i jion the fortran 500 conference,i am not see those, i see the numbers,i see the revenues,i see the KPIs,i see the bloody competition.but among some issues, you see ,i have a dream,i want do something,and that happens all the time, and that make me excited all the time. and today, I think last year everybody say”woo, the economic in trouble and we are all dead and what we gonna do “.and today, everybody seems to be happy to say “economy is come back”. is it a really economy comeback?I don’t think so.the money go to big commpanies, the money go to infrastructure,the money goes back to stock market, seems nobody learn from that. how can the economic comeback, if the asms is not comeback? how can the economic comeback, if the dreams not comeback, the hopes not come back. i see one thing that two days ago at a dinner with my singapore friends,they said singapore government is encouraging to have more babies, it’s because you know people are ageing and not enough kids. and i think we every economy every nation needs insant package to have more samll_mediumsize commpany to have more hopes. because every big company comes from small buisness.

if without this hope, without this kind of insants to have more babies, we gonna die. why i always feel excited, I have eight babies. in the past fifth years, i build up eight companys. seven of them are well healthy, one of them i sold it. and i keep babies, when i am looking at babies, alibaba, taobao, taobaopay and the company would i have that ali cloud, we’d just have a new baby two month ago.i always feel excited because you see the hope you know this baby gonna to change me,this baby is gonna to change the whole world. that’s the that i always feel excited.

and if you want to be happy, have more babies. if you are a government and want your economy to be good, have more asmis. these are dreams, these are the hopes, these are the future. so this is what we all want to say, but enough. we have been crying ,saying “please give us support”. but all the asms ask ourself one question, we are not crying babys, we believe we are tomorrow’s google. we beleive we are tomorrow’s ebay,Yotube and UPS. if we beleive we are, we can be, if you do not beleive, you never be. we heard a lot of governments say “we give you , o, let me know what we gonna do, let me know how we can help the asmis”. we heard a lot of banks say ” we are giveing loan to asmis”. i heard some banks ,you know one of the bank president “we give like two hundred billion dollars to asmis”, i said “what’s the size of the loan you give”,”twenty million dollar”. hwo can you say twenty million dollars. the research i got from alibaba group, alibaba status,87% of the asmis what they need is the found is below sixty thousand us dollars. they are giveing loans two hundred million dollars to some big companys, they are not the asmis, they are not the hopes. but i think we all asmis see that nobody can help you. my eight companys, i would say “nobody help us”, only we can help ourselves.

don’t rely on government, don’t rely on banks, forget about that, rely on your friends, rely on relatives, relay on the small dreams and always keep that in your head, cause i have trying very hard to get loans from banks, always trouble. in the past ten years, i didn’t even borrow one cent from banks, my kids grow up. I do not know why, and banks always say “well, because I do not have enough infomation from the asmis.” tell me, any fortune 500 any big bank CEOs or presidents go to see as go to see asmis, No, they go to the CEO summit. how could you get information if you do not go there listen to them. talk to them, share experence with them, to see what they need is only fifty thousand dollars instead of twenty million dollars? so atend to our dicussion yesterday, we say, banks are banks, they have to control the risk. right, so government and banks, let’s think about somethig new, new financial instructure that can really help those millions of hopes of small companys that need fifty thousand us dollars.

what is the right instructure, what is the right organization to support them. that is the thing we should think about.







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