智慧人生篇章 (25)别把财富妖魔化

The trouble about money is that it is often linked to power. Money well used can do great things which benefit many people, anything from funding the arts to bringing food and water to a starving nation. It has great pragmatic possibilities. But there is another power which has to do with the presumption that enough money should buy influence and assure control to the benefit of those who are wealthy.As a Christian I could never demonise money. Jesus mentions it in half his parables. He relies on charitable giving especially from women, and he’s clearly at ease in the company of affluent people. There is nothing in the Jewish-Christian tradition or in any great world religion to my knowledge which says that money is intrinsically bad. Nor can it be claimed that moral questions only rise when we consider the unhealthy addiction some people have to accumulating wealth.The primary moral issue is whether in dealing with wealth, we become less concerned about the good things our money can do, and more convinced of the presumed synonym that money equals power.



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