International Monetary Fund, pension funds and climate: The heat is on

  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) meetings over the past week saw continued focus on the climate crisis. The fund has previously discussed financial sector-focused solutions, putting out papers earlier this year mapping global ‘dirty energy’ subsidies and examining fiscal policies to deliver Paris Agreement commitments. The announcement that its monetary and capi...

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The pandemic is only a prelude to a looming climate crisis

This crisis is a rupture. A moment of profound turmoil and disruption. Even more than the 2008–09 global financial crisis—which was most directly felt in the United States and in European countries—this pandemic is affecting almost all of humanity. In countries around the world, rich and poor, the COVID-19 crisis has exposed the vulnerabilities of our health and social syste...

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International Monetary Fund

The IMF will have a critical role to play in the recovery from the economic and health crises brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Its immediate role is to give countries the financial support they need to survive the crisis and minimize the short-term economic impact of the slowdown in global economic activity. As the immediate crisis subsides, the IMF will help countrie...

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The pandemic will leave the poor further disadvantaged – IMF

COVID-19 has resulted in a spike in unemployment across the world. Image: REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson IMF research shows that the inequality gap between rich and poor has widened after previous epidemics – and COVID-19 will be no different. The IMF says policymakers must put in place risk-sharing and social assistance mechanisms to protect the most vulnerable from future ...

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IMF: COVID-19 ‘will erase 30 years of progress fighting poverty’

Oscar Williams-Grut A daily wage laborer worker at a construction site in Uttar Pradesh, north India. The IMF said day labourers will be particularly vulnerable to falling into extreme poverty. Photo: Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP The COVID-19 pandemic could reverse 30 years of progress made fighting global poverty, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned. The IMF said on T...

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The Effect of IMF Programmes on Economic Growth in Low Income Countries: An Empirical Analysis

Abstract Using an LIC-specific participation model, we adopt a propensity score matching (PSM) methodology to compare economic growth performance in countries with and without IMF programmes over the period 1989–2008. Concessional programmes are found to have had a generally positive effect on economic growth for up to two years after agreements were signed. The effects are ...

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The effects of IMF programs on poverty, income inequality and social expenditure in low income countries: an empirical analysis

Graham Bird,Faryal Qayum ABSTRACT This paper examines the effect of IMF programs on poverty, income inequality and government expenditure on education and health. It distinguishes between non-concessional and concessional programs and examines the effect of contingent factors; program completion, IMF resources, the size of the initial economic problems and aid dependency...

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U.S. Participation in the International Monetary Fund (IMF): A Primer

Gordon Gray, Thomas Wade Executive Summary The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was created in the wake of the Great Depression to promote stability in global financial markets. Nearly all countries are members of the IMF, but the United States is the largest cumulative contributor to the IMF at $155 billion and the largest voting bloc—holding effective veto power for many...

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Energy subsidies are bigger than aid in more than half of poor countries … but we spend very little trying to reduce them

Which of the following do you think is the most important need in developing countries? Free health services for all to reduce child and maternal mortality Universal and decent quality education to provide children with the skills for productive jobs Cheap petrol and electricity Unless you are Scrooge, you are more likely to have chosen one of the first two on this list. Y...

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Energy subsidies are often a major drain on the resources of developing countries. Energy subsidies are inefficient, and lead to overconsumption of fossil fuels—reducing the incentive to use cleaner energy sources, and thereby increasing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. They also rarely provide much benefit to their intended recipients—the poor—and have little impact ...

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Reducing Energy Subsidies without Hurting the Poor?

Nancy Birdsall and Anna Diofasi RELATED EXPERTS Anna Diofasi Former Policy Analyst Nancy Birdsall Senior Fellow, President Emeritus For at least five years the IMF has been badgering its members about implicit and explicit subsidies on energy. Its most recent salvo points to enormous potential gains from subsidy reform. The ideal energy prices would reflect not only the co...

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Fossil fuel subsidies and renewable energies in MENA: An oxymoron?

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region plays a central role in the global oil and natural gas markets. The region is home to more than 52 and 42 percent of global crude oil and natural gas proven reserves, respectively. In the past decade, the region generated 36 and 22 percent of global crude oil and natural gas, respectively. The abundance of hydrocarbons has so...

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Developing countries and the renewable energy revolution

By Prof. John A. Mathews Professor of Strategy at Macquarie Graduate School of Management in Sydney, Australia and author of Greening of Capitalism There was a time when arguments about development and energy were seen as different discourses. They came together in the familiar call for poor people in developing countries to have access to electricity. As for energy needed ...

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Welfare effects of energy subsidy reform in developing countries

Abstract We analyze the potential welfare effect of energy subsidy reforms. The income distributions of eleven developing countries from different geographical regions are simulated using the assumption that income is lognormally distributed. We use the concept of the compensating variation to measure how much compensation is required to compensate consumers for a price incr...

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Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform in the Developing World: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why?

Abstract Fossil fuel subsidies are widespread in developing countries, where reform efforts are often derailed by disputes over the likely distribution of gains and losses. The impacts of subsidy reform are transmitted to households through changes in energy prices and prices of other goods and services, as well as through factor earnings. Most empirical studies focus on con...

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Daniel,就读于多伦多大学,经济学和政治学双学位(Double Major in Economics and Political Science)。 Daniel自中学起连续参加了5年的演讲和辩论赛,本人打过几十场比赛,在美国/加拿大全国级别或国际性赛事中多次获奖,并有丰富的裁判经历: 2018年哈佛大学辩论赛八强(Harvard College World Schools); 2019年西部大学校际辩论赛冠军; 加拿大西部高中辩论锦标赛亚军(Western High School Debate...

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Anthony, 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)法学博士,Illini Global Forensics 的辩论主席(Debate Chair of Illini Global Forensics), 专业的辩论教练,运营着40多名成员的辩论团队;The Daily Illini 的专栏作家。 英语辩论对抗性和竞技性的背后,是对学生批判性思维能力、论证能力、研究能力、分析能力等的综合训练和培养,也因此对辩论教练有更高的要求。一个合格的、专业的辩论教练,仅有对辩论理论及...

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美国辩论活动普及,辩论教育发达,比较好的中小学大都有speech & debate coach,大学有director of the debate。其实不只是美国,英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等西方发达国家辩论活动的普及程度都和美国差不多。 当然,美国等国家中小学如此重视辩论教育,不仅仅因为这是能让人受益终身的素质教育,还有一个重要因素:高中阶段的辩论赛佼佼者能和体育等竞技项目的佼佼者一样,深得大学青睐,能极大提升名校...

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Mark,身兼加州中学牛校辩论教练、城市辩论联盟执行董事(Executive Director),受过斯坦福大学专业辩论训练,带出过多位冠军辩手、带出过哈佛全奖辩手,2014年至今已经做了数百场全国性辩论赛事裁判,一位经验超多水平超牛的加州辩论“教头”。 让我们看看Mark在2016年的一次关于辩论的演讲,认识一下这位对辩论满腔热情满怀理想、让我们满怀敬意的辩论教练:        附:关于SD冠军锦标...

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