
But as the names of dead European kings and the body parts of dissected animals begin to fade, 随着逝去的欧洲君王的名字、解剖过的动物身体构成开始从脑海中淡去, the true value of your days on the hill, in Boston, or in Grafton will become more and more apparent. 你们在这座山上、在波士顿、在格拉芙顿的那些日子的真正价值会变得越来越清晰。 For by studying here at Tufts, you, alon...

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Yeah, I mean, I think you're spot on, but that goes back to the incentives. Like, 是的,我觉得你讲的正中要害,但这反过来回到了刚才所说的动机问题。 one of the choices we made in the early days was we had this number that showed how many people follow you. 在早期,我们设计的系统是这样的:系统会显示关注你账号的人数。 We decided that number should be big and bold, and anythi...

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In answer to your questions, my real name is David Jones and I don't have to tell you why I changed it. "Nobody's going to make a monkey out of you" said my manager. My birthday is January 8th and I guess I'm 5'10". There is a Fan Club here in England, but if things go well in the States then we'll have one there I suppose. It's a littl...

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President Monaco, distinguished faculty and trustees, honored guests, 莫纳可校长,尊敬的教职员工、校董们,嘉宾们, most important people — members of the Class of 2015, families and friends: Good morning. 还有最重要的2015届毕业生们、家长们、朋友们,大家上午好。 I want to begin by thanking Tufts very, very much for this honorary degree. 首先,我要感谢塔夫茨大学,非常感...

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Now, it was so bad that this was the headline of the "New York Times" science section, August, 1990. 这件事情的影响如此广泛,使它成为了《纽约时报》1990年8月刊科学板块的头条。 "Mating for Life? It's not for the Birds or the Bees." We had to come up with new definitions. “终身厮守?鸟类和蜜蜂才不适用。”我们需要想出一个新的定义。 The situation where an i...

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"It's OPP, time for other people's what you get it there's no room for relationship, there's just room to …" “OPP就是你眼前的人已经属于其他人,没有机会发展恋爱关系,只有机会发展……” Hit it! How many brothers out there know just what I'm getting at? 性关系!有多少仁兄知道我在说什么? Who thinks it's wrong because I was splitting and cohi...

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How y'all doing? Good. I came here to give you a science lesson 大家好吗?非常好。今天我想给大家上一堂科学课, about animal mating systems and why defining monogamy has been a challenge for scientists. 关于动物交配体系,以及为什么对科学家来说定义一夫一妻制很难。 But you won't need a textbook or to download an online lecture. 这堂课你们不需要什么课本,也不需要下载讲座...

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From rock star, to team owner to foundation chairman, they're all just mile markers along this journey and that is the power of "we". 从摇滚明星到球队所有者,再到基金会主席,这些都是旅程沿途的里程标记,这就是“我们”的力量。 No one is an island. No one can do it alone. 没有人是一座孤岛,没有谁能独自做这件事。 Not government alone, not the private sector alone. 政...

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What we could do instead is allow you to follow an interest, follow a hashtag, follow a trend, follow a community, 我们可以改进的地方在于让你关注一项兴趣爱好,关注一个标签,关注一种趋势,关注一个群体。 which gives us the opportunity to show all of the accounts, all the topics, all the moments, all the hashtags 通过这种方式,我们可以给你推荐与你兴趣有关的所有账号、所有话题、 ...

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Shep, thank you so much for coming. I think your plane landed literally two hours ago in Vancouver. 克里斯·谢普,感谢你的到来。我听说你乘坐的航班两个小时前刚到达温哥华。 Such a treat to have you. So, talk us through how do you get from Einstein's equation to a black hole? 非常高兴今天你能来这里。那么,给我们讲讲你是如何从爱因斯坦方程式中提取黑洞信息的? Over 100 years ag...

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Dear Sandra, 亲爱的桑德拉, When I called in this, my manager's office, a few moments ago I was handed my very first American fan letter – and it was from you. I was so pleased that I had to sit down and type an immediate reply, even though Ken is shouting at me to get on with a script he badly needs. That can wiat (wi-at? That's a new English word which means ...

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As a professor and mother of three college graduates, I have to confess that I just love commencement ceremonies. 作为一名教授,以及三个大学毕业生的妈妈,我必须承认,我很喜欢毕业典礼。 They are a unique milestone in our lives, because they celebrate past accomplishments and future possibilities. 毕业典礼是我们人生中独特的里程碑,因为它是对我们过去和未来可能性的庆祝。 To the ...

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Class is over, but learning isn't. 课程虽然结束了,但学习没有结束。 Your diploma is a key to open doors of possibility not only for yourselves, but for others. 你们的文凭是打开可能之门的钥匙,不仅仅为了自己,也为了他人。 So if you want the amazing feeling of pride that you're feeling today to last far beyond today, 所以,如果你们想让今天感受到的这种美妙的自豪感持续更...

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But there's not an amount of people that are scalable, but how many people do you currently have monitoring these accounts, and how do you figure out what's enough? 你说从事这项工作的人数永远不够,那么你现在到底雇佣了多少人来监控账号?你怎么知道这些人足够完成任务? They're completely flexible. Sometimes we associate folks with spam. Sometimes we associate folks w...

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And that brings me to my second story — standing up for your values and principles. 下面是我的第二个故事,关于坚持你的价值观及原则。 It does not always work. Let me give you an example. 并不总是奏效的。我给你们举个例子。 I highly highly respect my fellow human beings. 我非常非常尊重我的人类同胞。 And as a young student, I just could not, and I still to this day, cannot...

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A few years ago, you embarked on this mission to try and actually image one of these things. 几年前,你接受这项任务来尝试并且、构想出这些东西的样子。 And I guess you took — you focused on this galaxy way out there. Tell us about this galaxy. 我猜——你一直在研究宇宙中的这个星系。给我们介绍一下这个星系吧。 This is the galaxy — we're going to zoom into the galaxy...

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And you go, "You know, that is a powerful point, and our ship, frankly, hasn't been built properly for steering as well as it might." 然后你回答:“你们知道吗,那是一个巨大的挑战,说实话,我们的船可能不像它看上去的那样可以轻松转向。” And we say, "Please do something." And you go to the bridge, and we're waiting, 然后人们说:“请想想办法。”然后你登上...

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and also give our customers a much better and easier approach to handle some of the things that they're seeing. 并且为我们的用户打造更好而简便的方法来处理一些问题。 So a lot of what we're doing is around technology, but we're also looking at the incentives on the service: 所以我们的大部分工作都是围绕科技展开的,但我们同时也在思考这个服务的动机: What does Twitter...

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My point is this: you can create a lasting legacy by encouraging transformational change in companies, communities and countries. 我的意思是:你可以通过鼓励企业、社区和国家的变革来创造一笔长久的遗产。 And you can do this in two dimensions — to help resolve pressing problems, and to help others achieve their potential. 你可以在两个维度上做到这一点–帮助解决紧迫的问...

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Well, first and foremost, my personal goal with the service is that I believe fundamentally that public conversation is critical. 首先,我对于推特的个人目标来自于我认为公众交流是最关键的。 There are existential problems facing the world that are facing the entire world, not any one particular nation-state, 世界上有一些问题,不仅仅某个特定国家地区,全世界都面临这些问题, that...

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