Ted英语演讲:如何让压力成为朋友——Kelly McGonigal
Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend 如何让压力成为朋友I have a confession to make, but first, I want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand我要坦白一
In other words, we need to think more modestly and subtly 换言之,我们得更为谦虚和细致地考虑 about when and how we can shape, rather than control, unpredictable and complex situations. 何时、怎样塑造而不是控制不可预测的复杂情况 It's a lit
Back in 2001, when I was considering running for mayor people told me: "Don't do it. 2001年 当我考虑竞选市长时人们都跟我说 "算了吧" You'll never win The media will tear you apart. 你赢不了的"媒体会把你
Please be seated, everybody. Thank you very, very much. Muchas gracias. Buenos dias. I'm so sorry that we are a little bit late today, but what a beautiful ride in and how wonderful to be here. An
THE PRESIDENT: It is my honor to welcome the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum here to Washington. First of all, I want to thank my friend, President Lula, for encouraging this forum to go forward. It's an indica