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奥巴马讲话 呼吁保护所居住的地球
Hi, everybody. Our country is home to some of the most beautiful God-given landscapes in the world. We're blessed with natural treasures-from the Grand Tetons to the Grand Canyon; from lush forests an
Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at Huawei Winter Concert
驻英国大使刘晓明在华为冬季音乐会上的演讲(中英对照版) 尊敬的布朗勋爵, 女士们,先生们: Lord Browne, Ladies and Gentlemen, 大家晚上好! Good evening! 很高兴再一次出席华为冬季音乐会。这已经是华为连续第七年举办冬季慈善音乐会,也是华为成为英国王子基金会成员的第10个年头。 It is a pleasure to join you again fo
TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(6)
We sign, and there's all this hype leading up to our next record. 签约之后,公司举办了大量的宣传活动为我们的新唱片造势。 It comes out and it sells about 25,000 copies in the first few weeks, and the label considers this a failu
Because it is the day before Mother's Day 马上母亲节就要到了 To all the mothers, Happy Mother's Day 我向所有母亲致以节日的问候 Now, graduates, you all handled your business, right 毕业生们 你们都做好了自己该做的事吧 Just because yo