经典名人英语演讲稿52:西部大开发(日本让你三井物产会长上岛重二APEC CEO峰会讲话) mp3

52. China Western Development


I have confidence in the large-scale development of the western region for the following reasons. First, the West is a huge area that accounts for almost two thirds of China’s total land mass. It is also rich in natural resources and energy. Second is the "conservation of the ecological environment". Third, it is hoped that the development of the interior will help narrow the current economic gap with the coastal regions. As the economic level of the interior is brought in line with that of the coastal regions, it will generate massive domestic demand and contribute to the growth of China as a giant consumer market.


We in the Japanese business community wish to participate in this project technically and financially in such areas that we have accumulated skills and expertise to realize the well-balanced growth of China as a manufacturing country and as a consumer market.


To me, the conservation of the environment and the development of resources and logistical infrastructure are the area of importance with great interest. I also believe that the countries of ASEAN will find a way to create win-win relationships through bilateral and multilateral cooperation in which each country contributes its particular strengths for mutual benefit.



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