演员桑迪.牛顿讲述她是如何找到自己的“另一面”——先是作为一个在两种截然不同的文化中成长的小孩,然后作为一个饰演不同人物的演员。这是一场来自tedglobal 2011的温暖的、充满智慧的演讲。
thandie newton embracing otherness, embracing myself拥抱他人,拥抱自己 英语演讲稿带中文翻译:
embracing otherness. when i first heard this theme, i thought, well, embracing otherness is embracing myself. and the journey to that place of understanding and acceptance has been an interesting one for me, and it’s given me an insight into the whole notion of self, which i think is worth sharing with you today.