We were also doing other pilots. So we did a pilot experimental blended courses, working with San Jose State University in California,
again, with the circuits and electronics course. You’ll hear that a lot. That course has become sort of like our petri dish of learning.
So there, the students would, again, the instructors flipped the classroom, blended online and in person, and the results were staggering.
Now don’t take these results to the bank just yet. Just wait a little bit longer as we experiment with this some more, but the early results are incredible.
So traditionally, semester upon semester, for the past several years, this course, again, a hard course, had a failure rate of about 40 to 41 percent every semester.
With this blended class late last year, the failure rate fell to nine percent. So the results can be extremely, extremely good.
Now before we go too far into this, I’d like to spend some time discussing some key ideas. What are some key ideas that makes all of this work?
One idea is active learning. The idea here is, rather than have students walk into class and watch lectures, we replace this with what we call lessons.
Lessons are interleaved sequences of videos and interactive exercises. So a student might watch a five, seven-minute video and follow that with an interactive exercise.
Think of this as the ultimate Socratization of education. You teach by asking questions.