TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(1)

For as long as I can remember, I have felt a very deep connection to animals and to the ocean.


And at this age, my personal idol was Flipper the dolphin.


And when I first learned about endangered species, I was truly distressed to know that every day, animals were being wiped off the face of this Earth forever.


And I wanted to do something to help, but I always wondered: What could one person possibly do to make a difference?


And it would be 30 years, but I would eventually get the answer to that question.


When these heartbreaking images of oiled birds finally began to emerge from the Gulf of Mexico last year during the horrific BP oil spill,


a German biologist by the name of Silvia Gaus was quoted as saying, "We should just euthanize all oiled birds,

当时一位名叫希尔维亚·高斯(Silvia Gaus)的德国生物学家这样说,“我们应当为所有这些沾染油污的鸟儿施以安乐死,

because studies have shown that fewer than one percent of them survive after being released." And I could not disagree more.


In addition, I believe that every oiled animal deserves a second chance at life. And I want to tell you why I feel so strongly about this.


On June 23, 2000, a ship named the Treasure sank off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, spilling 1,300 tons of fuel,


which polluted the habitats of nearly half the entire world population of African penguins.


Now, the ship sank between Robben Island to the south, and Dassen Island to the north -- two of the penguins' main breeding islands.

目前这艘沉没的油轮夹在南部的罗本岛(Robben Island)与北部的达森岛(Dassen Island)之间。而这两个岛正是企鹅们繁衍生息的主要据点。

And exactly six years and three days earlier, on June 20, 1994, a ship named the Apollo Sea sank near Dassen Island, oiling 10,000 penguins, half of which died.

而就在据事故发生六年零三天前的一天,也就是1994年6月20日,一艘名为“阿波罗海(Apollo Sea)”的油轮在达森岛(Dassen Island)附近沉没,致使一万只企鹅受到油污染 —— 其中半数的企鹅死亡。

