TED演讲之伟大预言 凯文·凯利:谈未来5000天后的网络世界(4)

So let me go through those three things. First of all, we have all these things in our hands.


We think they're all separate devices, but in fact, every screen in the world is looking into the one machine.


These are all basically portals into that one machine. The second thing is that — some people call this the cloud, and you're kind of touching the cloud with this.


And so in some ways, all you really need is a cloudbook. And the cloudbook doesn't have any storage. It's wireless. It's always connected.


There's many things about it. It becomes very simple, and basically what you're doing is you're just touching the machine,


you're touching the cloud and you're going to compute that way. So the machine is computing.


And in some ways, it's sort of back to the kind of old idea of centralized computing.


But everything, all the cameras, and the microphones, and the sensors in cars and everything is connected to this machine.

而且所有东西,所有摄影机、麦克风、 汽车感应器等等,都连接到这部机器。

And everything will go through the Web. And we're seeing that already with, say, phones.


Right now, phones don't go through the Web, but they are beginning to, and they will.


And if you imagine what, say, just as an example, what Google Labs has in terms of experiments with Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, blah, blah, blah — all these things are going to become Web based.

你可以想象。以谷歌实验室(Google Lab)为例,谷歌文件、谷歌计算器等等,这些东西都建立与网络之上。

They're going through the machine. And I am suggesting that every bit will be owned by the Web.


Right now, it's not. If you do spreadsheets and things at work, a Word document, they aren't on the Web, but they are going to be.

现在还不是这样,如果你工作中做了表格、 Word文档等等,它们目前还不在,但将会在网站上。

They're going to be part of this machine. They're going to speak the Web language.


They're going to talk to the machine. The Web, in some sense, is kind of like a black hole that's sucking up everything into it.


And so every thing will be part of the Web. So every item, every artifact that we make, will have embedded in it some little sliver of Web-ness and connection,


and it will be part of this machine, so that our environment — kind of in that ubiquitous computing sense — our environment becomes the Web. Everything is connected.



凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)在2007年EG会议的演讲中说,大家现在所熟悉的万维网(World Wide Web),其实也才不过5000天的岁月而已。那么在未来的5000天后,网络会变成什么样子呢?

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