TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(3)
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When I was a young man, a young biologist in Africa, I was involved in setting aside marvelous areas as future national parks.
Now no sooner — this was in the 1950s — and no sooner did we remove the hunting,
drum-beating people to protect the animals, than the land began to deteriorate, as you see in this park that we formed.
Now, no livestock were involved, but suspecting that we had too many elephants now,
I did the research and I proved we had too many,
and I recommended that we would have to reduce their numbers and bring them down to a level that the land could sustain.
Now, that was a terrible decision for me to have to make, and it was political dynamite, frankly.
So our government formed a team of experts to evaluate my research.
They did. They agreed with me, and over the following years, we shot 40,000 elephants to try to stop the damage.
And it got worse, not better.
Loving elephants as I do, that was the saddest and greatest blunder of my life, and I will carry that to my grave.
One good thing did come out of it. It made me absolutely determined to devote my life to finding solutions.
When I came to the United States, I got a shock, to find national parks like this one desertifying as badly as anything in Africa.
And there’d been no livestock on this land for over 70 years.
And I found that American scientists had no explanation for this except that it is arid and natural.
So I then began looking at all the research plots I could over the whole of the Western United States
where cattle had been removed to prove that it would stop desertification,
but I found the opposite, as we see on this research station, where this grassland that was green in 1961, by 2002 had changed to that situation.
And the authors of the position paper on climate change from which I obtained these pictures attribute this change to “unknown processes.”
对于正在沦为沙漠的土地而言,荒漠化这个术语不过是个好听点儿的说法罢了。Allan Savory在这个充满力量的演讲开头这样说。而令人吃惊的是,荒漠化正吞噬着全球大约三分之二的草地,它加速了气候变化,并导致一些传统的放牧社会出现混乱。Savory一生都在致力于和荒漠化的抗衡。如今他坚信—-他的工作成果也表明—-有一个惊人的因素能够保护草地,并使那些昔日贫瘠的土地重现生机。