TED演讲:为了关闭监狱 就要创办学校(3)
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SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.*, yarpp.score
FROM wp_posts join wp_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on wp_posts.ID = yarpp.ID
WHERE 1=1 AND yarpp.score >= 1 and yarpp.reference_ID = 91896 AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post'
ORDER BY score DESC, wp_posts.ID ASC
limit 10
It was a cold day in January when my scholar, Vidal Chastanet, met Brandon Stanton, the founder of the popular blog “Humans of New York.”
Brandon shared the story of a young man from Brownsville who had witnessed violence firsthand, by witnessing a man being thrown off of a roof.
Yet he can still be influenced by a principal who had opened up a school that believes in all children.
Vidal embodies the story of so many of our underprivileged children who are struggling to survive,
which is why we must make education a priority.
Brandon’s post created a global sensation that touched the lives of millions.
This resulted in 1.4 million dollars being raised for our scholars to attend field trips to colleges and universities,
Summer STEAM programs, as well as college scholarships.
You need to understand that when 200 young people from Brownsville visited Harvard,
they now understood that a college of their choice was a real possibility.
And the impossibilities that had been imposed upon them by a disadvantaged community were replaced by hope and purpose.
小孩是国家的未来,让他们相信自我尤其重要。Nadia Lopez在纽约最落后和最暴力的布鲁克林区布朗斯维尔创立了创莫特霍尔布里奇斯学院,因为她相信每位小孩的智慧和才能。校长分享如何帮助他们的学生成为未来的希望,是一次新的教育改革。