No graduating class gets to choose the world into which they graduate Every graduating class faces unique challenges.
没有哪一届毕业生 能够选择自己要踏入的世界 每一届毕业生都面临独特的挑战
Every class enters the history that up to this point has been written for you But few enter at a point.
每一届都会进入到之前已经写好的历史中 但很少有人能够
Where they genuinely have a chance to write a new chapter to bend history just a little bit.
完全有机会书写新篇章 并改变历史哪怕一点点
I would suggest your class has that chance and I acknowledge it creates anxiety, probably more –.
我认为 你们这一届拥有这个机会 我承认 这会导致焦虑 也许你们的家长
And I mean this seriously — among your parents than you I understand.
比你们本人更焦虑 我是说真的 我能理解
Because my generation faced the same kind of questions and uncertainties All you have to do is look at the headlines.
因为我那一代人面临过相同的问题和不确定性 你们只需要看报纸头条
When I graduated in 1968, and now And today you see headlines in the Washington Post, January 2, 2013 saying.
我1968年毕业和今天一样 今天 你们看到华盛顿邮报2013年1月2日头版头条说
“The world is baffled by the ‘fiscal cliff’ sees it as a sign of American decline”
“世界正受阻于’财政悬崖'” “这可以看成是美国衰落的信号”
The July after I graduated in ’68, the same publication declared “Pollsters report decline in US standing abroad”
68年7月我毕业时 这份报纸也宣称 “民意调查显示 美国在海外的地位下降”