
The impact is what others framed for you and the world after it happens The present is only what you're experiencing and focused on right now

影响是事件发生后 别人为你和世界所构建的 你所能够体验和关注到的只有现在这一刻

And every so often, my past and present come together I was invited to this fundraiser at this children's hospital in the Bay Area last year

时常 我的过去和现在会交织到一起 去年我被邀请为湾区儿童医院募集捐款

And Steve Carell was the guest speaker And so I took a photocopy of this review

史蒂夫.卡莱尔也是发言嘉宾 于是我将25年前

Of the group that Steve and I were in Chicago over 25 years ago to the charity auction

我和史蒂夫在芝加哥共同拍戏的影印件 拿来进行拍卖

And I showed it to Steve when I got a chance to talk to him He's mobbed the whole time by people, but

我有机会和他单独谈话时 我把这个给他看 他一直都在被人围追堵截

We got a chance to have a brief conversation We looked at this photocopy of the review

不过我们找到一个机会 简单地谈了几句 我们看了这份影印件

And talked about the different people in the group and where they were now and we'd kept in touch with some but not with all of them

谈到组里其他人及他们的现状 我们同一些人保持了联系 但并非所有人

At the end of that conversation, Steve patted me on the back and he said "I'm really sorry it didn't work out for you"

谈话结束时 史蒂夫拍了拍我的后背 说 "我很遗憾 你没能在这方面成功"

You cannot draw that path looking forward You cannot draw any of your paths looking forward

你无法事前画好前进的道路 任何前进的道路都不是事先画好的

So you have to figure out what you love to do what you have conviction about and go do that

你需要弄清楚 你爱做什么 对什么有信念 你就做什么

Here's the challenge, so far, you guys have gotten where you are by meeting and exceeding expectations

这很有挑战性 到目前为止 你们这些人 都是通过达到和超越期望来获得今天的成就








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