
Our intelligence community has done outstanding work and we have to continue to protect sources and methods

情报部门的工作非常出色 我们需要继续保护情报来源和获取方法

But when we cannot explain our efforts clearly and publicly we face terrorist propaganda and international suspicion

但如果我们不能清楚地向公众解释各项行动 我们就会给恐怖主义宣传留下口实 就会面临国际上的质疑

we erode legitimacy with our partners and our people and we reduce accountability in our own government

我们在合作伙伴和人民心中的正当性就会受到侵蚀 我们政府的可靠性就会减弱

And this issue of transparency is directly relevant to a third aspect of American leadership

透明性的问题 直接相关于美国领导的第三个侧面

and that is our effort to strengthen and enforce international order


After World War II, America had the wisdom to shape institutions to keep the peace and support human progress from NATO and the United Nations, to the World Bank and IMF

二战后 美国一直 拥有智慧 让各大机构能够有效维持和平 并支持人类进步 从北约和联合国 到世界银行和国际货币基金组织

These institutions are not perfect, but they have been a force multiplier

这些机构并不完美 但它们能够让我们力量倍增

They reduce the need for unilateral American action and increase restraint among other nations

它们减少了美国采取单边行动的必要性 增加了其它国家之间的约束

Now, just as the world has changed, this architecture must change as well

现在 随着世界的变化 这种构架也必须发生变化

At the height of the Cold War


President Kennedy spoke about the need for a peace based upon "a gradual evolution in human institutions"

肯尼迪总统说和平需要依赖于 "人类机构的逐渐演化"

And evolving these international institutions to meet the demands of today must be a critical part of American leadership

让这些国际机构不断演化 以满足如今的需要 是美国领导的一个关键组成部分








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