励志演讲 :信息技术的力量(10)
The leader in this online race is "amazon.com".If you have not heard of them, do not feel bad. Three years ago, nobody heard of them. They did not exist. Their customers do not aware they exist physically, and they do not care. Amazon.com exists only in cyberspace. But with 2.5 million titles, it is nearly 15 times larger than the world's largest physical bookstore. It is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. And they recently serve their one million of customer in Japan, one of 160 countries in which amazon ships books. Until recently they had the market to themselves. Now the traditional book sellers like Barns&Noble in the US, and medium firms like Burtlesman in Europe are jumping in. Can virtual companies like "amazon.com" battle against and beat these entrenched brands? Stay tuned. We do not know yet. The same kind of transformation is happening in retail banking, in car sales, in music entertainment, in insurance. And it is not just limited to the commercial world. Public sector institutions are being buffeted by the same powerful forces.
这场竞赛现在的领先者是 amazon.com。如果你还没听说过它,不要紧。三年前没有人听说过它们,那时候它们还不存在。它们的顾客并未意识到它们在实际上的存在,它们也不在乎这些。amazon.com 仅仅在网上存在。但是它拥有 250 万种图书,几乎比世界上最大的传统书店大 15 倍。它每天 24 小时、全年每天都营业。不久前,它们在日本接待了它的第 100 万名顾客,日本只是 amazon 销售书籍的 160 个国家中的一个。现在传统的书籍销售商如美国的……媒体高速如欧洲的……也跳进了这个市场。象 amazon.com 这样的虚拟公司能否击败这些根深蒂固老牌号?等着瞧吧,我们也不知道。类似的变革同时还发生在零售银行业、汽车销售、音乐娱乐、保险业中,而且还不仅仅限于商业领域。公众机构也遭受了同一种强大力量的冲击。
1. have heard of 听说过
eg Ah, you have heard of the landing of the emperor?
2. physical bookstore 实体书店
eg When you go to a book site and find an obscure book that you never would have found in a physical bookstore, that is a new type of commerce.
3. battle against 斗争;与…战斗
eg The discovery could open a new front in the battle against the bulge if the molecule has the same effect in humans.
路易斯·郭士纳曾经是君临天下的企业霸主——IBM公司总裁。 路易斯·郭士纳郭士纳从小生长在纽约长岛的一个贫穷家庭里,在一所教会中学渡过全部的少年时光。毕业于哈佛大学商业学院。13年的麦肯锡咨询公司实践磨炼,使他成为一名光芒夺目的商界奇才。郭士纳其璀璨、罕见的管理与经营才干,是这个时代的先锋和佼佼者。美国《时代》周刊这样评价郭士纳——“IBM公司董事长兼首席执行官,被称为电子商务巨子”。