
This important legislation will ensure that the beautiful historic park continues to tell Dr. King’s story for generations to come. 这一重要法律将确保美丽的历史公园会继续为后世子孙讲述金博士的故事。 On this cherished day, we honor the memory of Reverend King, 在这个珍贵的日子里,我们怀念金牧师, and we rededicate ourselves to a glorious future where every American from...

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“I have a dream.” Martin Luther King, Jr.’s immortal words, “我有一个梦想。 “马丁.路德.金的不朽话语, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, 发表在林肯纪念堂的台阶上。 have inspired Americans of all backgrounds since they were spoken on that historic day in 1963. 这句话在1963年的历史性日子中被说出后,激励着各种背景的人们...

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This sacred principle was the cause 这神圣的原则, for which Dr. King and so many other historic Americans sacrificed in places like Selma, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Memphis. 让金博士和非常多的历史人物牺牲在塞尔玛,伯明翰,蒙哥马利和孟菲斯。 They were heroes who led our nation forward toward a future that is more just and more free. 他们是英雄,引导我们的国...

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