TED演讲之现在或永不 只需专注10分钟(6)

You know, this is crazy. We do this all the time, even on an everyday level. 你知道,这很不正常。我们总是在想这些,甚至在日常生活的状态下。 If you think about the last time you had a wobbly tooth. 如果你想想最后一次,我不知道,你有一颗松动的牙。 You know it’s wobbly, and you know that it hurts. 你知道它是一颗松动的牙,并且你知道它很痛。 But what do you do every 20, 30 ...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 只需专注10分钟(3)

I guess we all deal with stress in different ways. 我想我们应对压力都有不同的方式。 Some people will bury themselves in work, grateful for the distraction. 有些人会把自己埋头到工作中,用以分心不去想。 Others will turn to their friends, their family, looking for support. 另一些人则会从朋友和家庭中寻求帮助。 Some people hit the bottle, start taking medication. 还有些人酗酒,或...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 只需专注10分钟(1)

We live in an incredibly busy world. 我们生活在一个异常纷杂的世界。 The pace of life is often frantic, our minds are always busy, and we’re always doing something. 生活的步调时常快得疯狂,我们的头脑(心灵)一直忙碌运转着,而我们每时每刻都在做着事情 So with that in mind, I’d like you just to take a moment to think, when did you last take any time to do ...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 只需专注10分钟(5)

So for example, right now, if I focus too much on the balls, 打个比方,现在,如果我太集中于这些球, then there’s no way I can relax and talk to you at the same time. 那么我就无法能够放松并同时与你们说话。 Equally, if I relax too much talking to you, there’s no way I can focus on the balls. 同样地,如果我太过于放松地跟你们说话,那我将无法专注在球上...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 只需专注10分钟(4)

Now we’re not here for that long anyway, 虽然不管怎样我们不会在此地待多长时间, but to spend almost half of our life lost in thought and potentially quite unhappy, I don’t know, 但耗费大半人生迷失在思考中并因此可能变得非常不幸福,我不知道, it just kind of seems tragic, actually, especially when there’s something we can do about it, 这真的听...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 只需专注10分钟(2)

You know, the mind whizzes away like a washing machine going round and round, 你们知道的,大脑(心灵)总是像一台洗衣机般飕飕运转,反反复复, lots of difficult, confusing emotions, and we don’t really know how to deal with that. 许多复杂、令人困惑的感情,而我们却不真的知道怎么来应对, And the sad fact is that we are so distracted that we’re no longer ...

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幼儿园里有四个沙池,所有的孩子在进入幼儿园时,几乎都有无一例外地留恋于沙子,长达几个月,长达几年。当我们带着孩子们到湖边、海边、植物园玩耍时,沙子又紧紧抓住了他们的心,以至于老师说:“于其在这儿玩沙子,不如就在幼儿园里玩。”但实际上,这儿的沙又和水连在了一起,玩沙玩到一定程度时一定会和水汇合的。 我记得小欧来到幼儿园时,他抓起一把沙,让沙从手中流出,落在手臂上,再从...

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