TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(6)

And if I would also look at India, you have another type of inequity, actually, in India. 我们再来看看印度,我们会看到另一种不平等。 The geographical, macro-geographical difference is not so big. 从地理的角度上来看,差距不大。 Uttar Pradesh, the biggest of the states here, is poorer and has a lower health than the rest of India. 北方邦,是印度的最大邦,比起其...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(2)

And I will now, here, onstage, try to predict when that will happen — 现在,我,将在这个台上, that Asia will regain its dominant position as the leading part of the world, as it used to be, over thousands of years. 来预测亚洲什么时候会重夺其导向世界的主导地位,正如过去数千年一般。 And I will do that by trying to predict precisely at what year the average income per pe...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(5)

In 1949 we saw the emergence of the modern China in a way which surprised the world. 在1949年,新中国的诞生使全世界都为之惊奇。 And what happened? What happens in the after independence? You can see that the health started to improve. 之后发生了什么?在独立之后发生了什么?正如你所见,国民的健康有所进步。 Children started to go to school. Health services were provided. This i...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(8)

I think I’m in a difficult position here. Inequalities in China and India I consider really the big obstacle 我在左右为难中。中印两国的最大障碍就是不平等, because to bring the entire population into growth and prosperity is what will create a domestic market, what will avoid social instability, 要使百业具兴,则定要创建一国内市场,来避免社会的不稳定。 and ...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(3)

Those are nice words. But I got sort of curious of what he meant with liberty, and liberty for whom. 这句话很动听。可是,我很好奇,他说的是何种自由,以及是何人的自由。 And we will think about that when we look at the wider picture of the world in 1858. Because 1858 was also watershed year in the history of Asia. 这势必让我们回想起,在1858年时,世界各地都发生了什么...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(4)

And we will see, you know. Look here, 1858, India was here, China was here, Japan was there, United States and United Kingdom was richer over there. 正如你们所料一样。1858年,印度和中国是在这里,日本则在那里。美国和英国则更是在那边。 And I will start the world like this. India was not always like this level. 世界将从这样开始。印度以前不是这样的。 Actually if we ...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(1)

Once upon a time, at the age of 24, I was a student at St. John’s Medical College in Bangalore. 很久以前,当我还是24岁之时,我尚是一名位于班加罗尔的圣约翰医学院的学生。 I was a guest student during one month of a public health course. And that changed my mindset forever. 当时,我是一名为期一个月的公共卫生课程的旁听生。我的思维模式从那时起开始改变。 The cou...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(7)

Now, back to my projections. When will it catch up? I have to go back to very conventional graph. 好,回到我的预测。但两国何时能迎头赶上?我们必须使用传统图表。 I will show income per person on this axis instead, poor down here, rich up there. 竖轴代表着人均收入,穷富递进相增。 And then time here, from 1858 I start the world. And we shall see what will happen wi...

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