TED演讲之身体语言 中美洲南部的园丁游击队员(4)

There’s another time when I put a garden in this homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles. 还有一次当我在洛杉矶市中心的一个流浪汉之家安置了一个花园。 These are the guys, they helped me unload the truck. 这些小伙子帮助我卸了货。 It was cool, and they just shared the stories about how this affected them and how they used to plant with their mother and their ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 中美洲南部的园丁游击队员(3)

See, I have a legacy in South Central. I grew up there. I raised my sons there. 瞧,在洛杉矶我有了遗产。我在那里成长,我在那里养育我的儿子。 And I refuse to be a part of this manufactured reality that was manufactured for me by some other people, and I’m manufacturing my own reality. 我拒绝成为由别人为我打造的这种现实的一部分,我要自己创造自己的现实。 See,...

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TED演讲之身体语言 中美洲南部的园丁游击队员(5)

Now this is one of my plans. This is what I want to do. 这使我目前计划中的一个。这是我想要做的。 I want to plant a whole block of gardens where people can share in the food in the same block. 我想要种一整个街区的菜园,在这个街区人们能够分享食物。 I want to take shipping containers and turn them into healthy cafes. 我想要把集装箱改造为健康的咖啡屋。 Now don...

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TED演讲之身体语言 中美洲南部的园丁游击队员(1)

I live in South Central. This is South Central: liquor stores, fast food, vacant lots. 我生活在洛杉矶南区。这就是洛杉矶南区:贩酒店、快餐店、闲置的土地。 So the city planners, they get together and they figure they’re going to change the name South Central to make it represent something else, 因此城市的规划者他们坐在一起讨论想把洛杉矶南区这个名字改的代表点别...

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TED演讲之身体语言 中美洲南部的园丁游击队员(2)

So me and my group, L.A. Green Grounds, we got together and we started planting my food forest, fruit trees, you know, the whole nine, vegetables. 因此我和我的团队,“洛杉矶绿地”,我们聚在一起开始种植自己的食物森林,果树,还有整整九种蔬菜。 What we do, we’re a pay-it-forward kind of group, where it’s composed of gardeners from all walks of life, from all ov...

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