
President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with President Putin of Russia  PRESIDENT PUTIN: (As translated.) Good afternoon. Dear ladies and gentlemen, first and foremost I would like to thank the President of the United States, Mr. Bush, for accepting the invitation to meet here in Sochi, in order to sort of draw the bottom line of the eight years of our paral...

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案例: 一位朋友来信说:“我不知为什么,与大家在一起的时候不知该怎样和他人说话,总是等他人先向我打招呼。如果没有人主动与我交谈,我心里会感到很难受,好像被人遗忘了。我很想改变自己,成为那种被大家喜爱,成为话题中心的人。” 分析: 被他人接纳和包融是人们通过人际互动获得的基本需要,上述这位朋友表现出来的是被动需要,期待被他人接纳。 不能与他人主动建立联系,其原因大致有二...

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