
How many of you have seen the Alfred Hitchcock film “The Birds”? 这里有多少人看过阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的电影《鸟》? Any of you get really freaked out by that? You might want to leave now. 是不是认为那片子太过离奇了?要是那样的话,你现在可以走了。 So this is a vending machine for crows. Over the past few days, many of you have been asking, 大家看到的是一台专门为乌...

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Now, this is completely unprompted; she had never seen this done before. 要知道,它没有看到过别的乌鸦这么做。 No one taught her to bend this into a hook or had shown her how it could happen. 之前也没有任何人或者别的乌鸦教它如何把线弯成钩子;或者告诉过它可以通过这种方式捞肉。 But she did it all on her own. So keep in mind — she’s never seen this done....

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So, the moral being: don’t piss off crows. 所以–大家看到了吧,千万别惹乌鸦。 So now, students at the University of Washington that are studying these crows, do so with a giant wig and a big mask. 正是这样的缘故,现在华盛顿大学做乌鸦研究的学生都带上巨大的假发,还套上面具。 It’s fairly interesting. 这真是令人哑然的一件事。 So we know these ...

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So they’re learning from each other. And research bears this out. 乌鸦通过互相学习,都掌握了这种技巧。 Parents seem to be teaching their young. They learn from their peers, they learn from their enemies. 乌鸦父母还教会自己的孩子这样的技巧呢。它们向同伴学习,也向它们的敌人学习。 If I have a little extra time, I’ll tell you about a case of crow infidelity that illu...

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And in doing so, we were breeding them for parasitism. 为了做到这点,人类用喂养的方式来让它们寄生于我们。 We were giving them all sorts of reasons to adapt new ways. 我们给了动物们适应新环境的各种理由。 So, for example, rats are incredibly responsive breeders. 比如:老鼠的生育能力变得超强。 And cockroaches, as anyone who’s tried to get rid of them knows, have become re...

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We move to the third stage, where we only give them a coin. 我们开始了第三阶段的训练。只把一枚硬币留在机器上。 Now, like most of us who have gotten used to a good thing, this really pisses them off. 此时乌鸦飞过来,看到没有食物,自然觉得很泄气–我们人也一样嘛。 So they do what they do in nature when they’re looking for something: sweep things out of t...

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