
And then, in 2006, I met that guy. His name is Ze Frank. 然后,在2006年,我遇见了这个家伙。他叫泽·弗兰克。 I didn’t actually meet him, just on the Internet. 其实我们没有真正见面,只是在网上。 Ze Frank was running, at the time, a show called “The Show with Ze Frank,” and I discovered the show, 当时他在做一个名叫“泽·弗兰克秀”的节目,我发现了这...

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I believe that what we map changes the life we lead. 我相信我们为自己绘制的地图能改变我们的人生。 And I don’t mean that in some, like, secret-y Oprah’s Angels network, like, you-can-think-your-way-out-of-cancer sense. 我说的并不是类似神秘的“奥普拉天使网络”计划,或者“人定胜天”之类的心灵鸡汤。 But I do believe that while maps don’t show you where you will go ...

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Or here’s a video that I made as part of my show “Crash Course,” talking about World War I: 还有这个视频,是我的节目《速成班》中的一期,讲的是第一次世界大战: The immediate cause was of course the assassination in Sarajevo of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, 直接起因当然是发生在萨拉热窝的刺杀事件,奥地利大公弗朗茨·费迪南遇刺身亡, on June 28, 1914, by...

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And then, when I was in tenth grade, I went to this school, Indian Springs School, a small boarding school, 后来,在我十年级的时候,我转学了,我转到了一家名叫“印第安泉”的小型寄宿学校, outside of Birmingham, Alabama. And all at once I became a learner. 位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰市郊区。一夜之间我就成了个好学的人。 And I became a learner, because I found myself in a community of le...

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But I learned what opportunity cost is. 但(通过这件事)我学会了什么是“机会成本”。 And along the way, the map of my life got better. 就这样,我人生的地图慢慢完整起来。 It got bigger; it contained more places. 版图不断扩大,地方也不断增多。 There were more things that might happen, more futures I might have. 可能性越来越多,我的未来选择也越来越多。 It...

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You also see young people using the tools and the sort of genres of the Internet in order to create places for intellectual engagement, 你还发现年轻人在使用互联网工具,来创建可以进行知识交流的空间, instead of the ironic detachment that maybe most of us associate with memes and other Internet conventions 而不是宣扬可笑的反智主义,这也许会让我们大多数人联想起另一种...

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This is a map of New York State that was made in 1937 by the General Drafting Company. 这是一张纽约州的地图,由通用制图公司在1937年绘制。 It’s an extremely famous map among cartography nerds, 这张地图在地图发烧友中非常有名, because down here at the bottom of the Catskill Mountains, 因为在卡兹奇山山脚下, there is a little town called Roscoe — ...

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And lastly, here’s Destin, from “Smarter Every Day,” 最后是《每天聪明一点点》的德斯丁, talking about the conservation of angular momentum, and, since it’s YouTube, cats: 为我们讲述动量守恒,由于是在YouTube上,所以他用猫来举例: Hey, it’s me, Destin. Welcome back to “Smarter Every Day.” 嗨,我是德斯丁,欢迎再次收看《...

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It had a gas station, a general store, two houses at its peak. 那儿有一个加油站,一个百货商店,山顶还有两座房子。 And this is of course a completely irresistible metaphor to a novelist, 这对小说家而言具有非常重要的象征意义, because we would all like to believe that the stuff that we write down on paper 因为我们都愿意相信我们写下的东西 can change the actua...

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Ze isn’t just a great public intellectual, he’s also a brilliant community builder, 泽不仅是一名出色的公知,而且是一名优秀的社团组织者, and the community of people that built up around these videos was in many ways a community of learners. 因为这些视频而聚集到一起的这些人,在很大程度上而言组成了一个学习社团。 So we played Ze Frank at chess collabora...

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