
Imagine that you invented a device 想象你发明了一种设备 that can record my memories, my dreams, my ideas, and transmit them to your brain. 能记录我的记忆、我的梦想、我的想法,并且传到你的大脑。 That would be a game-changing technology, right? 那将是改变世界的新科技,对吧? But in fact, we already possess this device, 但事实上,我们已拥有这样的设备, and it's called human ...

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So I'm banging out my story and I know it's good, 我要大声地说出我的故事,我知道很好笑 and then I start to make it better – by adding an element of embellishment. 为了让故事更生动我会加点油、添点醋, Reporters call this "making shit up." 记者们称之为“瞎掰”。 And they recommend against crossing that line. 他们建议不要逾越那条线, But I had just seen th...

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So to test it, we did the following experiment. First, we took the story and played it backwards. 我们用以下的实验来测试。我们先将故事倒过来播放, And that preserved many of the original auditory features, but removed the meaning. 这保留了很多原有的听觉特征,但是故事不再具有意义。 And it sounds something like that. 听起来像这样: And we flashed colors in the two brains to in...

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And we believe that these responses in higher-order areas are induced or become similar across listeners 我们认为,听众这些相似的大脑高层次区块反应, because of the meaning conveyed by the speaker, and not by words or sound. 是由讲者的语意所触发,并非文字或声音本身。 And if we are right, there's a strong prediction over here 倘若推论正确,那么我们相当有把握, if I tell y...

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And we think that this alignment is necessary for communication. 我们认为有效沟通必须有这样的较准。 For example, as you can tell, I am not a native English speaker. 举个例子,你们都听得出来英语并不是我的母语。 I grew up with another language, and the same might be for many of you in the audience. 我在另一种语言环境中长大,你们当中很多人可能也是如此。 And still, we can commun...

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So I'm banging out my story and I know it's good, and then I start to make it — 我大声说出我的故事,我知道很好笑,为了让故事… Suddenly, you can see that the responses in all of the subjects lock to the story, 突然间,所有人的脑波响应都随着故事的进展 and now they are going up and down in a very similar way across all listeners. 而上上下下,波型都很类似。 A...

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First, we all need to get out in the forest. 首先,我们都得走出家门,走进森林。 We need to reestablish local involvement in our own forests. 我们需要重新使当地的居民融入到我们森林中去。 You see, most of our forests now are managed using a one-size-fits-all approach, 其实,现在我们的大部分林业实践采用的都是一体通用的方法, but good forest stewardship requir...

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You see, you can take out one or two hub trees, 你们看,我们可以拿走一两颗中心树, but there comes a tipping point, 但这样就会达到森林承受极限了, because hub trees are not unlike rivets in an airplane. 因为森林里的中心树就像是飞机里的铆钉。 You can take out one or two and the plane still flies, but you take out one too many, 你卸下一两个铆钉的话飞机还...

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Our poor dog Jigs had slipped and fallen into the pit. 我们可怜的狗吉格斯,脚一滑跌进了一个坑里。 So grandpa ran up with his shovel to rescue the poor dog. 爷爷匆忙抄起一把铁铲,跑过去救那只可怜的狗。 He was down there, swimming in the muck. 那狗掉进了深处,在淤泥里挣扎。 But as grandpa dug through that forest floor, I became fascinated with the roots, ...

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And then in later experiments, we found the opposite, 而在随后的实验中,我们发现了相反的情况, that fir was sending more carbon to birch than birch was sending to fir, 花旗松给纸皮桦送的碳比纸皮桦给它的碳多, and this was because the fir was still growing while the birch was leafless. 这是因为当纸皮桦树叶掉光了的时候花旗松还在不停的生长。 So it turns out t...

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Now, let’s take all this information together and ask: 现在,综合以上所有信息,我们要问一个问题: How can we use it to transmit a memory that I have from my brain to your brains? 我们该如何利用它,把我大脑中的记忆传送到你们的大脑中呢? So we did the following experiment. 我们做了下列实验。 We let people watch, for the first time in their life, 我...

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After the hour was up, I rolled down my window, and I checked for mama grizzly. 一小时的时间到了之后,我摇下了车窗,看看灰熊妈妈还在不在。 Oh good, she’s over there eating her huckleberries. 哦太棒了,她在挺远的地方吃她的蓝莓呢。 So I got out of the truck and I got to work. 所以我下了卡车继续我的工作。 I went to my first bag with the birch. I pulled ...

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Not only that, we’re continuing to plant one or two species and weed out the aspens and birches. 不仅如此,我们还在继续种植着那一两种单一的树木,还继续着把山杨和桦树清除出去。 These simplified forests lack complexity, 这种单一的树木种类使森林缺少了多样性, and they’re really vulnerable to infections and bugs. 这让它们在传染病和虫害面前根本不堪一击...

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Trees in real forests might also share information below ground. 在真正的森林中,树木可能还会在地下交流信息。 But this was really controversial, and some people thought I was crazy, 但这个想法其实挺有争议的,一些人觉得我疯了, and I had a really hard time getting research funding. 所以我筹集科研经费的那段日子真的很艰难。 But I persevered, and I eventually ...

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The first day of the experiment, we got out to our plot 实验的第一天,我们来到了实验地点, and a grizzly bear and her cub chased us off. 突然一头灰熊和她的熊宝宝出现,把我们赶跑了。 And I had no bear spray. But you know, this is how forest research in Canada goes. 然后我还没带防熊喷雾剂。但你知道吗,在加拿大做森林研究其实就是这样的。 So I came back the nex...

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For me, I’ve conducted and published hundreds of experiments in the forest. 对我来说,我在森林中已经进行和发表过上百次的实验了。 Some of my oldest experimental plantations are now over 30 years old. 有一些我最早进行实验的种植园,到现在已经超过30年了。 You can check them out. That’s how forest science works. 你可以去看看它们。这才是搞林业学应该做的...

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Imagine you’re walking through a forest. 想象你正穿行在森林中。 I’m guessing you’re thinking of a collection of trees, 我猜你想的是一大片树, what we foresters call a stand, with their rugged stems and their beautiful crowns. 我们林业工作者称之为“林分”,它们有着遒劲的枝干,和美丽的树冠。 Yes, trees are the foundation of forests, but a for...

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You see, like all networks, mycorrhizal networks have nodes and links. 你们看,就像所有的网络一样,真菌的网络中也有节点和链接。 We made this map by examining the short sequences of DNA of every tree and every fungal individual in a patch of Douglas fir forest. 我们在一片花旗松森林中的所有树和所有真菌中,提取了它们的DNA短序列,并且制作了这份遗传图。 In this pictu...

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Mother trees colonize their kin with bigger mycorrhizal networks. 母树通过更大的菌根网络来覆盖住自己孩子们所在的区域。 They send them more carbon below ground. 在地下,它们给孩子们会送去更多的碳。 They even reduce their own root competition to make elbow room for their kids. 它们甚至会减少它们自己和其它树根部的竞争,来为它们的孩子们创造更多的活动空间。 Whe...

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The first one is that it liberates us. 第一个好处在于,这样做能够使我们解放自我。 When you think about it, using perception instead of categories is much easier said than done. 想一下,依赖自己的觉察力而不是已有的“陌生人”范畴,的确是说起来容易做起来难。 Categories are something our brains use. 分类是我们大脑惯用的伎俩。 When it comes to people, it’s ...

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