
Whenever I get to travel for work, 无论何时外出工作, I try to find out where my drinking water comes from, and where my poop and pee go. 我都会尝试弄清我饮用水的来源,还有我排泄物的去处。 This has earned me the nickname "The Poo Princess" in my family, 这让我赢得了“大便女皇”的家庭绰号, and it's ruined many family vacations, because this is not normal. 同时还...

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英文欣赏:Religious Belief-Health-Peace 宗教信仰-健康-和平

People around the world have religions.Some people consider it as an important part of good mental health while others take it much lightly. 全世界信仰宗教的人们。有些人认为这是一个精神健康的重要因素,而另一些人则不太以为然。 As a Christian,I can fully appreciate the fact that my faith helps me keep my mind at ease.The improvements in mental health are seen in many newly bap...

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英文欣赏:Hospital-Health-General Ideas 医院-健康-基本概念

Hospital is the fundamental component of health care.The majority of physicians nowadays practice medicine in hospitals.They can be found in any town.Moreover,nearly everry hospital has an emergency room that is capable of dealing with life-and-death situations.Those facilities are essential in prolonging human lives.Besides local clinics,there are also large medical centers...

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So, in this suburb, the poo and the pee and the wash water are going to this treatment plant right in the middle of the community. 那么,在这片城郊,各种排泄物们和废水正涌向处于区域中心的处理池。 It looks more like a park than a treatment plant. 其实与其说处理池,它看起来更像一个公园。 The poo at the very bottom of all those layers of gravel — not touching anyone 那些...

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We want to accelerate adoption of sustainable building and development practices. 我们想要提高高承受性建筑及其应用的采纳度。 We want more innovation. 我们想拥抱更多革新。 But a lot of times, whole categories of innovation — 但是很多情况却是,目录上所有革新当中, ones that can help us live more beautifully — turn out to be illegal. 那些能够帮助我们生活更美好的,最...

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I want to show you some brave souls who've had the courage to embrace this advanced potty training approach. 我想要给你们展示这些英勇地灵魂,就是那些有勇气去拥抱这种先进如厕技术地人们。 So those folks in New Mexico — why did they do it? 所以这些在新墨西哥州地人们–他们为什么要这么做呢? 'Cause they're in a desert? 'Cause they save money? Yeah. 因为...

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And Portland is not alone here. 波特兰市在这件事上并不孤独。 Forty percent of municipalities self-report dumping raw or partially treated sewage into our waterways. 40%的市政当局在自述汇报中指出曾倾倒未处理或仅部分处理的污水进入水网。 The other bummer going on here with our status quo is that half of all of your poop and pee is going to fertilize farmland. 另一件当下令人不悦...

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What's driving all that innovation? It's us. 是什么驱动了这些创新?是我们人类。 We're talking about energy. It's cool to talk about energy. 我们正在谈论能源。这听起来很酷炫。 Some folks are even talking about the problems with the limited resources where our current energy is coming from. 有一些人甚至在谈论当下能源紧张的问题。 We encourage our best and bright...

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This was the first permit of its kind in Oregon. 下面是这类技术在俄勒冈州第一个通过法令的例子。 Brave and open-minded people sat down and felt comfortable saying, "Yeah, that shit makes sense." 勇敢而心胸开阔的人们在圆桌会议上阔谈到:“对,那坨粑粑听起来很有道理。” "Let's do it." You know? “我们放手干吧!”你们知道吗? I keep showing examples where ever...

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Number one: we can fertilize our food. 第一:这能为我们的食物施肥。 Each one of us is pooping and peeing something that could fertilize half or maybe all of our food, depending on our diet. 我们每个人都产生能够肥沃我们一半甚至全部食物的排泄物,具体取决于我们的食谱。 That dark brown poo in the toilet is dark brown because of what? 我们的便便为什么是深棕色的? Dead stuff, bact...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(4)

So I finished. And I kind of went overboard on the week after the project was over. 我于是停止了这些健康计划。健康计划中止后的一周,我让自己稍微放纵了一下, I went to the dark side, and I just indulged myself. It was like something out of Caligula. 开始了不健康的生活方式,尽情放任自己,有点像《罗马帝国艳情史》里那样。 Without the sex part. Because I have three young kids, so...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(2)

Now the final part of the trilogy was I wanted to focus on the body and try to be the healthiest person I could be, the healthiest person alive. 最后一步是,我希望注重自己的身体,尽可能达到最健康的状态,成为世上最健康的人。 So that's what I've been doing the last couple of years. 所以过去几年内我做了刚才提到的那些事情。 And I just finished a couple of months ago. And...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(5)

The World Health Organization just did a big study that they published this year. 世界卫生组织做了一个大型研究,并于今年出版。 And it was done in Europe. 研究在欧洲进行。 And they estimated that 1.6 million years of healthy living are lost every year in Europe because of noise pollution. 他们预计,人类过去160万年形成的健康生活方式在欧洲逐年减少,这正是由于噪音污染。 So they ...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(1)

I've spent the last decade subjecting myself to pain and humiliation, hopefully for a good cause, which is self-improvement. 过去的10年时间,我一直处于悲伤和羞辱中,期待着有一个好的理由改变自己,这个理由就是自我提高。 And I've done this in three parts. So first I started with the mind. 于是我从三方面开始做起,首先从心智开始。 And I decided to try to get smarter by re...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(6)

And the second point I want to make, the final point, is that — and it's actually been a theme of TEDMED 我想说的第二点,也是最后一点,实际上就是TEDMED的主题– that joy is so important to your health, that very few of these behaviors will stick with me unless there's some sense of pleasure and joy in them. 快乐对人的健康非常重要,要不是这些行为可以带给我快...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(3)

I also tried to be the safest person I could be, because that's a part of health. 我还尽我所能做个最安全的人,因为这也是健康的一部分。 I was inspired by the Danish Safety Council. 我受到丹麦安全委员会的启发。 They started a public campaign that says, "A walking helmet is a good helmet." 他们发起一个公益活动,口号是:“步行专用头盔是个好头盔”。 So they believe yo...

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Today, we are a country divided, or at least that's what we're told. 今天,我们是个分裂的国家,或者至少这是我们被告知的。 We are torn apart by immigration, education, guns and health care. 我们被移民、教育、枪支和医疗保健弄得四分五裂。 Health care is ugly and it is loud, so loud that it threatens to drown out everything else. 医疗保健是丑陋和喧嚣的,喧嚣到淹没其他一...

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No one could tell us the answer to that question, 没人能够告诉我们这个问题的答案, so we launched a new initiative and hired a polling firm to ask voters across the country: What do you need to be healthy? 于是我们采取了新行动去雇佣一个投票公司询问全国选民的意见:你需要什么来保持健康? What was so striking about this was that no one has any clue what we are talking about in ...

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Listening to her, I felt this familiar panic rise in me, the residue of my own childhood. 听着她的描述,我感到熟悉的恐慌在我心中升起,来自我童年的阴影。 When I was 10 years old, my father lay on the living room floor in the grips of one of his many depressions. 当我10岁时,我父亲躺在客厅的地板上,被抑郁笼罩着。 As I crouched next to him, he told me that he wanted to kill him...

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Now, it seemed that it shouldn't be so complicated to design a doctor's visit around what people actually need to be healthy. 现在,看起来设计个医生的访问去了解人们要保持健康需要什么并不复杂。 So I created Health Leads, an organization enabling thousands of physicians and other caregivers to ask their patients, 所以我创建了健康领导者,用这个组织让成千上万的医生和其他...

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