
It seemed like a mission impossible, a dream too big, especially for a 15-year-old, yet that dream came true in 2015, 这看起来像不可能完成的任务,完全是异想天开,尤其对于一个15岁的人来讲,但梦想在2015年成真了, when not only did we succeed in reducing the stampedes and their intensity, 我们不仅成功降低了踩踏事件发生的次数和密度, but we marked 2015 as the first ...

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I was only nine when my grandfather first described to me the horrors he witnessed six years earlier 我9岁那年,祖父第一次向我讲述了那场他6年前见证的恐怖意外事件, when human stampedes killed 39 people in our hometown of Nashik, India. 当时在我们家乡印度纳西克,有39人因为踩踏事件而遇难。 It was during the 2003 Nashik Kumbh Mela, one of the world’s largest ...

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Now, this system, eventually, with other innovations, is what helped prevent stampedes altogether at that festival. 现在这个系统,最终和其他创新一起,帮助我们避免了节日踩踏发生。 The code used by Ashioto during Kumbh Mela will soon be made publicly available, free to use for anyone. 大壶节的Ashioto使用的代码马上就会公开发布,任何人都可以免费获取。 I would be gla...

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So we built Ashioto, meaning “footstep” in Japanese, 所以我们构建了“Ashioto”系统,在日语中意思是“脚步声”, as it consists of a portable mat which has pressure sensors which can count the number of people walking on it, 这种垫子便携而且自带压力传感器,可以计算出行走的人群数量, and sends the data over the internet to the advanced data analysis softwar...

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So we decided to design a cover for the sensor so that people don’t have to worry what it is on the ground. 所以我们决定给传感器加个盖板,这样人们就不用担心放在地上的是什么了。 So after some experimentation, we decided to use an industrial sensor, 在经过几次实验后,我们打算使用工业级的传感器, used as a safety trigger in hazardous areas as the sensor, and ...

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