
I want to send my best wishes to everyone here taking part in Pride in London, especially all those volunteers who make it possible. Since I recorded last year’s message there has been one huge, historic change in Britain: the institution of marriage is now open to all. Whether you’re a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or a woman and a man, your love for one another is eq...

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"Even in purely non-religious terms, “就算抛开宗教信仰的因素, homosexuality represents a misuse of the sexual faculty. 同性恋也是性滥交的代名词 It is a pathetic little second-rate substitute for reality — 它是可悲的,次等的,一种现实的替代品 a pitiable flight from life. 是人生中一段令人遗憾的旅程 As such, it deserves no compassion, 因此,同性恋不值得同情 it deser...

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So after traveling and talking to people 在我游历俄克拉何马州和得克萨斯州 in places like Oklahoma or small-town Texas, 并与那里小镇上的人交谈之后, we found evidence that the initial premise was dead on. 我们发现有迹象显示之前的提案已经死了。 Visibility really is key. 相互了解是关键。 Familiarity really is the gateway drug to empathy. 熟悉程度是引发同情的重要因素。 Once an i...

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I'm iO Tillett Wright, and I'm an artist born and raised in New York City. 我是欧伊·蒂利特·莱特,纽约土生土长的艺术家。 Self Evident Truths is a photographic record of LGBTQ America today. “不证自明的真理”是今天美国同性恋群体的摄影记录。 My aim is to take a simple portrait 我的目标是为在任何方面 of anyone who's anything other than 100 percent straight 觉得自己不...

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I had spent a year photographing this new generation of girls, much like myself, 我曾花了一年的时间拍摄像我一样的新一代的女性, who fell kind of between-the-lines — 觉得自己处在两个极端之间的女孩子—— girls who skateboarded but did it in lacy underwear, 穿着蕾丝内衣玩滑板的女孩, girls who had boys' haircuts but wore girly nail polish, 剪男士短发但是涂指甲的女孩, g...

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The most important thing to take from the percentage system is this: 百分制评价标准最重要的一点是, If you have gay people over here 如果这边是完全的同性恋, and you have straight people over here, 另一边是完全的异性恋, and while we recognize that most people identify 当大多数人将自己定位成靠近异性恋 as somewhere closer to one binary or another, 或靠近同性恋这一极端的位置时...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(2)

It's useful, in part, because it reminds us that we all have feelings that we don't act upon, maybe shouldn't act upon. 它的好处在于,这种区分提醒我们:我们都有很多并没有付诸行动的,或者本就不该付诸行动的情感和感受。 I'll give you an example. 比如。 Sometimes I'm in line, and there's somebody in front of me with one of those bluetooth earpieces on. 有...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(5)

The Bible suggests that those who divorce and remarry should be put to death. 圣经里建议那些离婚之后又再婚的人,应该被处以死刑。 Why? Well because the New Testament defines divorce as adultery; the Old Testament prescribes death for adultery. 为什么?因为根据新约,离婚则视为"奸淫",而旧约里规定了"奸淫"者要处以死刑。 Again, this doesn't sound very good...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(9)

Now, for many of these claims, we don't have to settle the statistical arguments in order to address the arguments. 对于很多这种无端的指责,其实并非每个都需要我们通过统计研究的方法加以辩驳。 Part of the reason for this is that correlation is not the same thing as cause. 原因很简单:相关性和因果性不能混为一谈。 How many of you have heard this before maybe in class? Ok. 你...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(19)

It's important because it puts a face on the issue. 它之所以重要,是因为它让你直面问题所在。 Now, a lot of people at this point will say to me, "You had me part of the way, but now here you go being all open about it now, and that's what I don't get." 说到这里,很多人可能会对我说:"你让我懂了不少,但是你现在开始鼓吹同性恋展示自我,这让我很不解。&qu...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(6)

And indeed, in the handful of places that the Bible talks about homosexuality, it's almost always in the context of a discussion of idolatry because homosexuality was very much associated with certain pagan practices. 而且事实上,在圣经寥寥几段关于同性恋的段落里,上下文的背景几乎都是在探讨偶像崇拜,而这里的同性恋在很大程度上是与异教徒的行为联系在一起的。 If that's th...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(8)

Even that would not be an argument against homosexuality. 即使在这种情况下,这都不会成为反对同性恋的合理论证。 At best, it would be an argument against exclusive homosexuality. 它顶多可以用来反对那种对异性恋绝对排斥的真性同性恋。 I mean, homosexuality doesn't prevent a person from procreating, anymore than you sitting here listening to this lecture prevents you from proc...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(5)

The Bible suggests that those who divorce and remarry should be put to death. 圣经里建议那些离婚之后又再婚的人,应该被处以死刑。 Why? Well because the New Testament defines divorce as adultery; the Old Testament prescribes death for adultery. 为什么?因为根据新约,离婚则视为"奸淫",而旧约里规定了"奸淫"者要处以死刑。 Again, this doesn't sound very good...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(11)

People always laugh when I say Strom Thurmond. You remember Strom Thurmond. Strom Thurmond was the senator from South Carolina. 我一提到斯特罗姆·舍尔蒙德这名字观众们就开始笑,你们还记得斯特罗姆这人吧?斯特罗姆·舍尔蒙德是个来自南卡罗来纳州的参议员。 He had been a segregationist many years ago, then he ended up being in the Senate, and he was there until he was like 116 years ...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(2)

It's useful, in part, because it reminds us that we all have feelings that we don't act upon, maybe shouldn't act upon. 它的好处在于,这种区分提醒我们:我们都有很多并没有付诸行动的,或者本就不该付诸行动的情感和感受。 I'll give you an example. 比如。 Sometimes I'm in line, and there's somebody in front of me with one of those bluetooth earpieces on. 有...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(19)

It's important because it puts a face on the issue. 它之所以重要,是因为它让你直面问题所在。 Now, a lot of people at this point will say to me, "You had me part of the way, but now here you go being all open about it now, and that's what I don't get." 说到这里,很多人可能会对我说:"你让我懂了不少,但是你现在开始鼓吹同性恋展示自我,这让我很不解。&qu...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(14)

Since when did animals start providing us with our moral standards, particularly in the area of sex? 从什么时候开始,我们的道德标准是由动物来提供的?特别是性的道德这个领域。 I mean, think about this. ok. 我们想想。 Animals don't become state legislators, either. 动物是不会成为州立法委员的。 Can we lock Warren Chisum up now? 或者换个角度说,我们能把沃伦·奇松关进笼子里吗?...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(4)

When I say it makes some people happy, I don't just mean that they're pleasurable, although that's part of it. 我说它能让一部分人幸福,并不是仅指它令人愉悦的那部分。 But, there's more to it than that. 虽然愉悦这一点是幸福的组成部分,但还有更多的东西在里边。 A homosexual relationship, like a heterosexual relationship, can be an important avenue of meaning and ...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(9)

Now, for many of these claims, we don't have to settle the statistical arguments in order to address the arguments. 对于很多这种无端的指责,其实并非每个都需要我们通过统计研究的方法加以辩驳。 Part of the reason for this is that correlation is not the same thing as cause. 原因很简单:相关性和因果性不能混为一谈。 How many of you have heard this before maybe in class? Ok. 你...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(1)

I want to start with a thought experiment. 我想以一个思维实验开始我今天的演讲。 Suppose I told you that I'm imagining an activity that takes place between consenting adults, doesn't hurt anyone, and results in a great deal of pleasure for the people involved-and that's all that you know about the activity that I'm imagining. 此刻我们来设想某种行为,它发生在自...

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