名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(15)

What do they mean when they say that it's a choice? 当这些人说"同性恋是个选择"的时候,他们想表达什么? This is one of those places where the orientation-activity distinction actually comes in handy. 在这种情况下,"性取向"和"性行为"之间的区别看上去很适合来佐证这种观点。 They might mean that homosexual orientation is a choice, having those fee...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(3)

What about the other side of this contrast? Sexual orientation. 我们接着谈另一个问题:性的取向。 I have a certain sexual orientation. 我有着某种性取向。 What is that? 它是什么呢? I'm attracted to people of a particular gender. That's true. 我会被某种性别的人吸引,没错。 I'm also attracted to people of a particular age range, body type, personality type, certain ...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(21)

So much of what I've said tonight is based upon my moral convictions, convictions about fairness, convictions about justice. 今晚我在这里探讨了这么多,全部基于我个人的道德信念,我对公平的信念,我对公正的信念。 I think the way gay and lesbian people are treated in our society is wrong, not just irrational, but morally wrong. 我坚信这个社会待同性恋者不公,这种不公正的对待...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(13)

In fact, I want to take this a step further. 事实上,我进一步想说。 I want to say not only does this argument scapegoat gay people and make that sort of mistake, it actually is a greater threat to the family than what it's trying to fight. 这种论断不但错误地把同性恋者作为替罪羊,而且,比起它反对的同性恋来说,这种论断本身就是对家庭更大的威胁。 Let me tell you another stor...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(12)

I must admit I find some of these bizarre. 这种说法让人不寒而栗。 How does what I do in bed "threaten the nation's infrastructure?" 我们在床上的事情,如何能动摇国家的基础呢? I might think I'm powerful in bed, but whoa, that's a crazy claim. 我的确在床上比较威猛,不过这种指责也太不着边际了。 Nation's infrastructure better watch out tonight, baby. &q...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(10)

Now, in the early days of my lecture, when I used to talk about risk, that is all I would say. 在我早先的演讲中,当我谈到风险的时候,我就只讲上面这些就够了。 But people would sometimes try to ask me a question during the Q&A period. 不过有人会在后面的问答环节里试图向我提问。 And I say "try to ask my a question" because it would often come out in a kind of garbl...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(7)

So, what is it really about? We need to look to some of the non-religious, or secular, arguments against homosexuality, and we especially need to do that if we are genuinely committed to living in a society that embraces freedom of religion. 所以,真正的原因是什么?我们来看看一些非宗教的,或者可以说更世俗的观点。当我们生存在一个支持宗教自由的社会里并且真心热爱它的时候,我们...

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名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(20)

In the simple act of saying "his partner, Mark," not "his friend," or not "his roommate." 她的话非常简单:"他的爱人马克",她没有说"他的朋友"或者"他的室友"。 I mean you could hear the quote marks around the words. This is John's "roommate." His partner. 你甚至能从这话里听出言不由衷的引号来:这是约翰的&q...

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杨教授: 您好!我是看了您对同性恋者的看法我有些问题想问下您。 我怀疑我也是同性恋者。为什么这么说呢?在学校里他是我的一个好兄弟,我很喜欢和他在一起玩,但是我看他和别人玩的时候我有一种不愿意的感觉。还有做什么事他不叫我,我就觉得心里不好受。我这种情况是不是一种同性恋的倾向,但是有时候我会努力控制自己不去想!总是做点别的事来分散我对他的那种想,主要是在学校我那种状况会严重。还有...

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小婵的妈妈想拿水果进去给她们吃,刚把门推开一条缝,便看见了这一幕。她震惊不已,甚至惊慌失措,不知怎么办才好。 本来,孩子有个要好的同性朋友是一件很好的事,不过,假如他们(她们)太过于亲密,整天搂搂抱抱的话,似乎就变成了令人头疼的事了…… 她和她“上床”了 小玮和小婵是小学五年级的同班同学,由于两家离得很近,因此她们每天几乎都是形影不离的。 在学校的时候,她们...

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一位昔日的朋友来访,羞于启齿地谈起一件事:他的13岁儿子与邻居家同龄男孩自小在一块玩耍,从幼儿园到小学一起上学,情同手足,形影不离。但近来他感觉到两个孩子常背着人躲在一起,关系似乎有些反常。细心的父亲终于发现两个孩子在一起干着“下流的勾当”,如互相玩弄对方的外生殖器等等。 对此,他既着急,又惊慌,怀疑两个孩子是不是产生了同性恋。 笔者还遇见一位读高中的女生。近一个月来...

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