
7. Unleashing Your Creativity 7. 释放你的创造力 I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness—to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn't solve on their own. Computer have transformed how we learrn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world's knowledge. They're helpi...

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15.The Only Concern: Price and Value 15.惟一的关注:价格与价值 Is the Graham and Dodd "look for values with a significant margin of safety relative to prices" approach to security analysis out of date? Many of the professors who write textbooks today say yes. "If prices fully reflect available information, this sort of investment adeptness is ruled out," ...

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As for the legendary German work ethic and organisational skills, I am pleased to say those perennial qualities are alive and well-and we at FIFA are only too happy to take advantage of them. 这个传奇德国保持着传统的道德伦理和严格的组织作风,我很高兴地说那些固有的优秀品质现在依然很好地保持着——国际足联也很高兴有机会充分利用这一点。 For at all levels, the overall investment in...

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3.Good Deeds Towards Others 3.与人为善 We have all despaired at our loss over the past week and only the strength of the message you gave us through your years of giving has afforded us the strength to more forward. 一个星期以来,我们全家都生活在痛失亲人的绝望中,惟有你多年慷慨留下的信心和力量才让我们有力量继续走下去。 There is a temptation to rush to canonize your memory, t...

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12.Believe in Me Again 12.再相信我一次 I have always tried to maintain a private space for my wife and children. They have been kept separate from my sponsors, my commercial endorsements. When my children were born, we only released photographs so that the paparazzi could not chase them. However, my behavior doesn't make it right for the media to follow my two-and-a-half...

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17.Opening Remarks for the 74th Oscar Academy Awards 17.汤姆·克鲁斯第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼开幕词 When the great director Billy Wilder was asked what makes a movie unforgettable, his answer was simple, "A little bit of magic!" We're all here tonight or sitting at home watching because something came off a movie screen: a little bit of magic touched our lives. And y...

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日本三井物产会长上岛重二APEC CEO 峰会讲话:西部大开发

14.China Western Development 14.西部大开发 I have confidence in the large-scale development of the western region for the following reasons. First, the West is a huge area that accounts for almost two thirds of China's total land mass. It is also rich in natural resources and energy. Second is the "conservation of the ecological environment". Third, it is hoped...

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19. 2006 FIFA World Cup Openning Ceremony Address 19. 2006年世界杯开幕国际足联主席约瑟夫.布拉特致辞 Welcome to the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany. 2006德国世界杯欢迎你。 Seventeen years after the fall of the Berlin wall, a reunified Germany will throw open its doors to the world. Germany 2006 will be a place where people from all around the world will be welcomed by friends, in...

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脸书 自由时间孕育自由思想

1.Facebook Free Time Fosters Free Thinking 1.脸书 自由时间孕育自由思想 A lot of stuff that goes on with the company is really organic right now and isn't necessarily formalized. Although, maybe it will be in a short period of time as we continue to grow. I think that as organizations grow, a lot of the issues and structure that's put in place is put there because a c...

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4.The Moment of Pride 4.荣耀的时刻 Today's ceremonies and tonight's banquet have been mighty and memorable events. Nobody who has shared in them will ever forget them, but for the laureates these celebrations have had a unique importance. Each of us has participated in a ritual, a rite of passage, a public drama which has been commensurate with the inner experience o...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(6)

Apple has just announced it plans to invest a total of $350 billion in America and hire another 20,000 workers. 苹果公司也刚刚宣布计划在美国投资3500亿美元,并雇佣另外2万名员工。 And just a little while ago, ExxonMobil announced a $50 billion investment in the United States. Just a little while ago. 同时,就在不久之前,埃克森美孚宣布在美国投资500亿美元,就在不久之前。 This, i...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(19)

In confronting these horrible dangers, we know that weakness is the surest path to conflict, 面对这些危险,我们知道软弱是导致冲突的最可靠途径, and unmatched power is the surest means to our true and great defense. 难以企及的实力是捍卫国家的最可靠途径。 For this reason, I am asking Congress to end the dangerous defense sequester and fully fund our great military. 因此,我请...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(15)

So I just want to congratulate you, CJ. You're a brave guy. Thank you very much. 我只想恭喜你,CJ。你是一名勇敢的人。非常感谢你。 And I asked CJ, what's the secret? He said, "We're just tougher than they are." And I like that answer. 我问CJ,秘诀是什么。他说,我们比他们更强悍而已。我喜欢这样的回答。 Now let's get Congress to send you — and all of th...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(25)

Seong-ho's story is a testament to the yearning of every human soul to live in freedom. 承镐的故事证明了每一个人类灵魂都渴望自由。 It was that same yearning for freedom that nearly 250 years ago gave birth to a special place called America. 正是这种对自由的向往,近250年前,催生了美国这个特殊的地方。 It was a small cluster of colonies caught between a great ocean and a va...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(16)

The second pillar fully secures the border. 第二个要点是完全保卫边境。 That means building a great wall on the southern border, and it means hiring more heroes like CJ to keep our communities safe. 那意味着在南部边境建一面大墙,意味着雇佣更多像CJ这样的英雄,保卫我们社区的安全。 Crucially, our plan closes the terrible loopholes exploited by criminals and terrorists to enter o...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(5)

We slashed the business tax rate from 35 percent all the way down to 21 percent, 我们将营业税税率从35%降低到21%, so American companies can compete and win against anyone else anywhere in the world. 这样美国公司就能与世界上任何一个公司竞争并取得胜利。 These changes alone are estimated to increase average family income by more than $4,000. A lot of money. 据估计,单是这些变...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(21)

When possible, we have no choice but to annihilate them. 如有可能,我们要彻底消灭他们。 When necessary, we must be able to detain and question them. 如有必要,我们必须拘捕并审问他们。 But we must be clear: Terrorists are not merely criminals. They are unlawful enemy combatants. 但我们要明白:恐怖主义不仅是罪犯。他们是无法无天的敌人。 And when captured overseas, they should b...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(9)

Many car companies are now building and expanding plants in the United States, something we haven't seen for decades. 许多汽车公司正在美国新建扩建工厂,这是我们几十年来闻所未闻的。 Chrysler is moving a major plant from Mexico to Michigan. 克莱斯勒将会把一家主要工厂从墨西哥迁至密歇根州。 Toyota and Mazda are opening up a plant in Alabama, a big one. And we haven't see...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(24)

In 1996, Seong-ho was a starving boy in North Korea. 1996年,成镐是朝鲜一个饥饿的儿童, One day, he tried to steal coal from a railroad car to barter for a few scraps of food, which were very hard to get. 一天,他想从火车车厢内偷几块煤来换取一些食物,那是很难获得的。 In the process, he passed out on the train tracks, exhausted from hunger. He woke up as a train ran over his ...

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名人演讲 :美国总统川普首次国情咨文演讲(7)

Here tonight is Preston Sharp, a 12-year-old boy from Redding, California, 今晚,来自加州雷丁的12岁男孩普雷斯顿·夏普, who noticed that veterans' graves were not marked with flags on Veterans Day. 他发现在老兵节那天,老兵的墓碑上没有国旗。 He decided all by himself to change that and started a movement that has now placed 40,000 flags at the graves of our great heroes. ...

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