Hi everybody. 大家好。 I'm talking with you today from Ivy Tech Community College in Indianapolis, where I just held a town hall and heard from everyday Americans about what we can do, together, to ma
Hi, everybody. 大家好! As 2014 comes to an end, we can enter the New Year with new confidence that America is making significant strides where it counts. 2014年就要结束了,这一年我们取得了巨大的成就,籍此我们将满怀信心迎接新的一年的到来。 The
Hi, everybody. 大家好! Every day, we get thousands of letters and emails at the White House from Americans across the country-and every night, I read ten of them. 每天,我在白宫都会收到来自全国各地无数的来信,每天晚上,我都会选出其中的十封认真
Merry Christmas everybody! 祝大家圣诞节快乐! Now, we're not going to take much of your time because today is about family and being together with the ones you love. 今天我们不会占用大家太多时间,因为今天是和家人、和亲爱的人相聚的日子。 And
Hi, everybody. One of the most important positions in the President's Cabinet-and to our national security, our law enforcement, and our criminal justice system-is Attorney General. 大家好!总统内阁最重要的职位
Hi, everybody. 大家好! Earlier this week, I visited with students at Georgia Tech to talk about the importance of higher education in the new economy, and how we can make it more affordable. 本周早些时候,我走访了佐
Hi, everybody. Sunday is International Women's Day-a day to celebrate remarkable women and girls worldwide, and to re-dedicate ourselves to defending the fundamental rights and dignity of all peop
Hi everybody.In America, we believe that a lifetime of hard work and responsibility should be rewarded with a shot at a secure, dignified retirement.It's one of the critical components of middle-c
Hello, everybody.Today marks an historic anniversary—70 years since the Allied victory in Europe during World War II.On V-E Day after the Nazi surrender, people swarmed the streets of London and Paris
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Joe Biden and I'm here filling in for President Obama, who is traveling abroad. 女士们,先生们,我是乔·拜登,由于奥巴马总统在海外出访,今天由我来代替他发表演讲。 And I'm here with a simple message: midd
This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached an historic understanding with Iran, which, if fully implemented, will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon and make our country, our
Hi everybody. 大家好! Wednesday is Earth Day, a day to appreciate and protect this precious planet we call home. 下周三是世界地球日,这是我们珍惜和保护这个作为我们共同家园的珍贵星球的日子。 And today, there's no greater threat to our pla
Hi, everybody. Five years ago, after the worst financial crisis in decades, we passed historic Wall Street reform to end the era of bailouts and too big to fail. 大家好!五年前,在经历几十年来最为严重的金融危机之后,我们破天荒地通过了《华
Hi, everybody.This weekend is Memorial Day—a time to pay tribute to all our men and women in uniform who've ever given their lives so that we can live in freedom and security.This year, the holida
Hi,everybody.My top priority as President is to grow the economy and help more hardworking Americans get ahead.And after the worst economic crisis in our lifetimes,our businesses have now created 12.6
Hi,everybody. Five years ago, we finally declared that in America, health care is not a privilege for a few, but a right for all.And this week, after more than fifty votes in Congress to repeal or wea
Hi,everybody. 大家好。 It's been seven years since the worst financial crisis in generations spread from Wall Street to Main Street-a crisis that cost millions of Americans their jobs,their homes,thei
This week, the United States and our international partners finally achieved something that decades of animosity has not – a deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. 本周,美国和我们的国际盟友们
Happy Fourth of July, everybody.Like many of you, Michelle, Sasha, Malia, and I are going to spend the day outdoors, grilling burgers and dogs, and watching the fireworks with our family and friends.I
Hi,everybody.It's our job as citizens to make sure we keep pushing this country we love toward our most cherished ideals-that all of us are created equal,and all of us deserve an equal shot. 大家好。推