
For the past few weeks, 过去几个星期, I've been visiting folks across America to talk about what we need to do as a country to secure a better bargain for the middle class. 我走遍美国,与人们谈论作为一个国家为中产阶级争取更好的保障应该做些什么。 I've been laying out my ideas for how we can build on the cornerstones of what it means to be middle class in America. 对...

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Hi, everybody. 嗨,大家好! Our top priority as a nation is reigniting the true engine of our economic growth—a rising, thriving middle class. 作为一个国家的我们,最高任务就是重新点燃促进经济增长的真正引擎:一个不断增长、复苏繁荣的中产阶级。 And few things define what it is to be middle class in America more than owning your own cornerstone of the American Dream: a home. 如...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统在独立日发表讲话 希望美国人民继承老一辈传统

Hi everybody. 嗨,大家好。 I hope you all had a safe and happy Fourth of July, filled with parades, cookouts, fireworks and family reunions. 我希望在7月4日这一天你们所有人都享受这到处是欢乐游行、野餐、烟花和家庭团聚的安全幸福的独立日。 We celebrated at the White House with a few hundred members of the military and their families. 我们在白宫与几百名官兵将士和他们的家人一起共...

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Good morning. 大家早上好。 Earlier this week, the Republican House of Representatives chose to shut down a government they don't like over a health care law they don't like. 本周早些时候,众议院共和党人以对医保法不满为由让政府关闭。 And I've talked a lot about the real-world consequences of this shutdown in recent days-the services disrupted; the benefits delayed...

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奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:总统呼吁马上行动 避免自动减支

Hi, everybody. 嗨,大家好。 Our top priority as a country right now should be doing everything we can to grow our economy and create good, middle class jobs. 我们国家现在的第一要务就是想尽一切办法促进经济增长和创造中产阶级需要的好的工作岗位。 And yet, less than one week from now, Congress is poised to allow a series of arbitrary, automatic budget cuts that will do the exact ...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 In my State of the Union Address, I talked about the idea of opportunity for all. 在我的国情咨文里,我谈到了为所有人创造机会的理念。 Opportunity is the idea at the heart of this country-that no matter who you are or how you started out, with hard work and responsibility, you can get ahead. 机会是本国当前的核心理念,无论你是谁,来自哪里,只要你辛勤工作...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! On Thursday, I visited a steel plant in Cleveland, Ohio to talk about what we're doing to rebuild our economy on a new foundation for stronger, more durable economic growth. 本周四,我参观了俄亥俄州克里夫兰市一家钢铁厂,在那里我谈到了我们当前正在做的事情,为重建经济体系打下更坚实的新的基础,保证经济可持续发展。 One area where we've made great ...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 The holiday season is a time for remembering the bonds we share, and our obligations to one another as human beings. 圣诞长假到来,我们要再次牢记共享发展成果、作为人类应该对彼此尽到责任的理念, But right now, more than one million of our fellow Americans are poised to lose a vital economic lifeline just a few days after Christmas if Congress doesn'...

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Hello everyone. 大家好。 Veterans' Day Weekend is a chance for all of us to say two simple words: “Thank you.” 退伍军人纪念日给了我们所有人机会说出简单的两个字“谢谢”。 Thank you to that greatest generation who fought island by island across the Pacific, and freed millions from fascism in Europe. 感谢在太平洋战场上一个岛屿接着一个岛屿征战,以及在欧洲从法西斯手中解放数百万...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁推动男女同工同酬 提高最低工资

Hi, everybody. 大家好! This week, I visited a community college in Florida, where I spoke with students about what we need to do to make sure our economy rewards the hard work of every American. 本周,我走访了佛罗里达州的一所社区大学,在那里我与学生们谈论了为了保证经济发展惠及所有辛勤工作的美国人,我们所需要做的事情。 More specifically, I spoke about making sure our economy...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁两党齐心协力 延长《紧急失业保险法案》

Hi, everybody, and Happy New Year. 大家好,新年快乐。 This is a time when we look ahead to all the possibilities and opportunities of the year to come-when we resolve to better ourselves, and to better our relationships with one another. 一元复始,万象更新。新的一年我们将成就更好的自己,也为自己打造更好的人际关系。 And today, I want to talk about one place that Washington sh...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁加班应有报酬 勤劳应有回报

Hi, everybody. 大家好! In this year of action, I'm doing everything I can, with or without Congress, to expand opportunity for more Americans. 在本年的施政纲领中,无论国会是否配合,我将尽我所能,我都将为更多人创造更多机会。 This week, I ordered a review of our nation's overtime rules, to give more Americans the chance to earn the overtime pay they've worked for....

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! This week, I visited a company in Raleigh, North Carolina that helps make electric motors that save businesses money on energy costs and cut harmful carbon pollution. 本周,我参观了北卡罗来纳罗利一家帮助制造电动马达的公司,这种马达节约企业能源开支,削减有害的碳污染。 And I stopped by N.C. State University, where engineers are set to develop the new te...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 On behalf of all the Obamas-Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and the newest member of our family, Sunny-I want to wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. 我谨代表米歇尔、玛莉亚、萨莎、波以及我们的新成员萨尼这些奥巴马家庭全体成员们衷心祝愿你们感恩节快乐、健康! We'll be spending today just like many of you-sitting down with family and friends to eat ...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! I'm here at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., visiting with some kids being treated here all the time for asthma and other breathing problems. 此刻,我在华盛顿特区的国家儿童医疗中心,看望在这里接受治疗的哮喘和其它呼吸系统疾病的患儿。 Often, these illnesses are aggravated by air pollution-pollution from the same sources th...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! Yesterday, we learned that in 2013, our businesses created 2.2 million new jobs-including 87,000 last month. 昨天,我们了解到,在2013年,我们的企业创造了220万个新岗位—包括上月创造的87,000个。 Our unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since October 2008. 我们的失业率为2008年以来的最低水平。 And across our broader economy, there are signs of progr...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! For millions of Americans, this time of year holds great meaning. 对数百万美国人民而言,每年的这个时候都有着特殊的意义。 Earlier this week, we hosted a Passover Seder at the White House, and joined Jewish families around the world in their retellings of the story of the Exodus and the victory of faith over oppression. 本周早些时候,我们在白宫举行了逾...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 Today, our economy is growing and our businesses are consistently generating new jobs. 今天,我们的经济持续向好,而我们的企业也持续增加新的就业岗位。 But decades-long trends still threaten the middle class. 但10多年来威胁中产阶级地位的趋势还在继续。 While those at the top are doing better than ever, too many Americans are working harder than ever, but...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 This week, I spent a couple days in Minneapolis, talking with people about their lives-their concerns, their successes, and their hopes for the future. 本周,我在明尼波利斯呆了几天,与人们谈论他们的生活–他们的关注,他们的成功和他们对未来的希望。 I went because of a letter I received from a working mother named Rebekah, who shared with me the har...

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