
Be the best father you can be to your children. 当好父亲 尽最大努力照顾你的子女. Because nothing is more important. 因为没有比这更重要的. I was raised by a heroic single mom. 我由单亲妈妈带大 她是一位英雄. Wonderful grandparents made incredible sacrifices for me. 还有极好的外祖父母 他们为我牺牲了很多. And I know there are moms and grandparents here today who did. 我知道今天...

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Today, as Americans, we grieve the brutal murder – a horrific massacre – of dozens of innocent people. We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts. We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city. Although it's still early in the investigation, we know enough to say that this was an act of terror and a...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马柔情演绎总统业绩回顾(2)

It was too tired, stressed, said it had a headache. 它太累了而且压力太大,并称头疼。 But Barack lit some candles and got some silky satin sheets. 但巴拉克点了蜡烛并且弄来了一些丝缎床单。 Silky satin sheets now. 丝缎床单哦。 Told the American people, "Yes, we can." 告诉美国人民,“是的,我们能做到。” Yes, we can, it's all right. 是的,我们可以,没关系。 He create...

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Later on, he said, "it was the right thing for me to do. 后来 他说 "我这样做是正确的". Someone needed to be the first". 总有人要成为第一人. And today, Chester is here celebrating his 50th reunion. 而今天 切斯特在这里庆祝他毕业50周年. Where is Chester davenport? 切斯特.达文波特在哪. He's here. 他在这里. So if you've had role models, fathers, brothe...

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I will not be thinking about a policy I promoted. 我不会去回忆我推行过哪些政策. I will not be thinking about the speech I gave. 我不会去回忆我进行过什么演讲. I will not be thinking the Nobel prize I received. 我不会去回忆我获得过诺贝尔奖. I will be thinking about that walk I took with my daughters. 相反 我会回忆同女儿一起散步的时光. I'll be thinking about a lazy afternoo...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马柔情演绎总统业绩回顾(3)

The entire world is watching, and they look to us for stability and leadership. 全世界都在关注,他们将依赖我们提供稳定和领导力。 Now, I know some of the presidential candidates have been critical of my foreign policy. 我知道某些总统候选人对我的外交政策很有意见。 I don't want to name any names. -He's talking about Donald Trump. 我不想指名道姓。-他说的是唐纳德·特朗普...

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And it won't matter whether they're black kids or brown kids or white kids. 无论是黑人孩子 白人孩子 棕色人种孩子. Or native American kids. 还是美国原住民孩子. Because he'll understand what they're going through. 因为他理解他们所经历的不幸. And he'll be fighting for them. 他将为他们而战. He'll be in their corner. 他会和他们站在一起. That's leadersh...

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Muslim Americans feel it when they're. 美国穆斯林也有这种感受. Stared at with suspicion because of their faith. 总有人因为信仰问题用怀疑的眼光盯着他们. Any woman who knows the injustice of earning less pay for doing the same work. 做同样工作 但收入不如男性多的女性. She knows what it's like to be on the outside looking in. 同样也知道局外人的感受. Your experiences give...

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But when it came to their own accomplishments and sense of purpose. 但在他们希望取得的成就和目的面前。 They had no time for excuses. 他们没有时间找借口。 Every one of you have a grandma or an uncle or a parent who's. 你们每个人都有一位祖母 或叔父 或父母。 Told you that at some point in life, as an African American. 告诉你 在人生的某个阶段 作为非裔美国人。 You have to wor...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(12)

44. Finally! So I'm going to be in D.C. for awhile and I thought I'd take up driving again. 44号(奥巴马正在华盛顿的机动车部门等候)终于到我了!我准备在华盛顿待一段时间。所以我想我得重新开始开车。 What's the name? Barack Hussein Obama. 你叫什么名字?巴拉克 侯赛因 奥巴马 Yikes. Well, since you don't have a driver's license you're going to need a birth ...

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Thank you very much. Thank you Thank you so much. Thank you Thank you. Please, please have a seat. 非常感谢大家 谢谢非常感谢大家 谢谢谢谢大家 请入座 Thank you Thank you, President Spar, trustees, President Bollinger Hello, Class of 2012. 谢谢大家谢谢你们 斯巴院长 各位校董 伯林格校长2012届毕业生 你们好 Congratulations on reaching this day Thank you for the honor of being able...

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But it was here that I tried to find my place in this world I knew I wanted to make a difference. 但正是在这里我试图寻找我在这个世界上的立足之地我知道我想有所作为 But it was vague how in fact I'd go about it But I wanted to do my part to do my part to shape a better world So even as I worked after graduation. 但却不清楚如何去做可我想尽自己的力量去建设一个更美好的世界因此...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(8)

Just recently a young person came up to me and said 不久前一位年轻人跟我说, she was sick of politicians standing in the way of her dreams. 她收购了政客们阻碍她的梦想。 As if we were actually going to let Malia go to Burning Man this year. 说得像我们今年真会允许Malia去火人节似的。 Was not going to happen. 没门。 Bernie might have let her go. Not us. 伯尼可能会放她去的。我们...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(7)

Kendall Jenner is also here. Kendall Jenner也来了。 And we had a chance to meet her backstage. 我俩在后台见到了, She seems like a very nice, young woman. 她看起来是位很不错的年轻女士。 I’m not exactly sure what she does, 我不太清楚她到底是干嘛的, but I’m told that my Twitter mentions are about to go through the roof. 不过有人告诉我说,我的推特上at数量要爆炸了。 Helen Mirre...

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米歇尔·奥巴马宣布Reach Higher Career App挑战赛获奖者

Hello, everyone. Nine months ago, I announced the Reach Higher Career App Challenge. We called on app developers, educators, entrepreneurs, and others to put their heads together and design new mobile apps to help students realize their career dreams. We did this because we know that there's so many excellent programs that teach cutting-edge skills, including career and ...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(2)

She makes it look easy now. But… 你现在看她感觉很容易,其实… Next year at this time, someone else will be standing here in this very spot and it’s anyone guess who she will be. 明年这个时候站在这里讲话的就是别人了,谁知道她会是谁呢? But standing here I can’t help but be reflective and a little sentimental. 不过…站在这里,我不禁反思,有点多愁善感。 Eight years ago I sa...

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As bad news anymore Every day you receive a steady stream of sensationalism and scandal and stories with a message. 不如坏消息引人注意的时候人们每天接到一连串耸人听闻的消息或者丑闻其中传递的信息是 That suggest change isn't possible that you can't make a difference that you won't be able to close that gap. 变革是不可能的你们的努力无济于事你们无法消除现实生活 Betwe...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(6)

You’re the South African guy, right? I love Larry. 你是南非的那哥们对不对?我爱Larry。 And his parents are here, who are from Evanston, which is great town. 他的父母也来到现场,是Evanston来的,那是个很棒的城市。 I also would like to acknowledge some of the award winning reporters that we have with us here tonight. 我还要向今晚场下几位获奖的记者致敬。 Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruf...

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And this little old lady raised her hand and asked Is this where the bingo game is? It was a disaster. 有一位瘦小的老太太举起了手 问道宾果游戏是在这里吗真是糟糕透了 Nobody showed up My first big community meeting, nobody showed up And later, the volunteers I worked with told me. 没有人来我的第一个社区大会 没有人到场后来 和我一起工作的志愿人员对我说 That's it, we're q...

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