
And that’s, as the President said, why I’m here today. 正如总统所说,这是我今天来这里的原因。 As he mentioned, my office did this wonderful competition to highlight colleges 他提到,我的办公室举办了这次精彩的竞争, that are helping underserved young people graduate from high school and then go on to higher education. 彰显那些帮助缺少教育资源的年轻...

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And in the years before Dr. King addressed those Oberlin graduates in ’65, 在金博士向1965届欧柏林毕业生致辞之前的几年里, he and his colleagues faced fire hoses and dogs in Montgomery, beatings on a bridge in Selma, 他和同事们在蒙哥马利面对消防水管和警犬;在塞尔玛的一座桥上被殴打; insults and assaults as they sat quietly at lunch counters and marched peac...

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So get out there and volunteer on campaigns, and then hold the folks you elect accountable. 所以,走出去,主动参与竞选活动,让你选出来的人负责。 Follow what’s happening in your city hall, your statehouse, Washington, D.C. 关注市政厅,州议会大厦和华盛顿的事务。 Better yet, run for office yourself. Get in there. Shake things up. Don’t be afraid. 更...

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See, the truth is that the overwhelming majority of people in this country are open-minded and big-hearted. 那么,事实就是,绝大多数的人都是胸襟宽广,志向远大。 They are smart enough to see through that noise, 他们有足够的智慧看清这些噪音, and they are so hungry for voices that rise above it — smart, compassionate, thoughtful voices like yours. 他们渴...

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Thank you all. Thank you so much. 感谢大家!非常感谢! Let’s let our graduates rest themselves. You’ve worked hard for those seats! 毕业生们放松一下吧。为了此刻,你们付出了很多! Let me start by thanking President Johnson for that very gracious introduction, 首先,感谢约翰逊校长精彩的介绍, and for awarding me with this honorary degree from an ...

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Hi! How are you all doing? Are you sure? 大家好!你们过得好吗?你们确定吗? Well, let me just tell you, it is beyond a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you today. 好的,我告诉大家,我今天万分开心和荣幸和你们聚在一起。 I want to start by thanking President Krislov for that very kind introduction, 首先,感谢Krislov校长亲切的介绍, as well as all ...

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And all of this used to really get to me. 过去,这一切常常困扰我。 Back in those days, I had a lot of sleepless nights, worrying about what people thought of me, 在那些日子里,我常常无法人睡,担心人们如何看待我, wondering if I might be hurting my husband’s chances of winning his election, 担心有可能会因为我而削弱丈夫在选举中获胜的机会, fearing how ...

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You see, in his speech to those Oberlin graduates 50 years ago, Dr. King urged them, 看,当50年前金博士给欧柏林学院的毕业生演讲时,他敦促毕业生们, as Julia said, not to sleep through the civil rights revolution that was raging across this country. 正如Julia说的,不要当民权改革席卷整个国家时仍在呼呼大睡。 And, graduates, climate change, economic inequality, huma...

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But today, graduates, I want to urge you to do just the opposite. 但在今天,毕业生们,我想敦促你们做相反的事情。 Today, I want to suggest that if you truly wish to carry on the Oberlin legacy of service and social justice, 今天,我想建议你们,如果你真的希望继续秉承欧柏林学院的服务社会和社会正义的传统, then you need to run to, and not away from, the noise. 那...

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So, graduates, that’s what I want for all of you. 毕业生们,这就是我对你们的期望。 I want you all to stay true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves. 我希望你们能够忠于自己最真实、最诚挚的想法。 I want you to ask those basic questions: 我希望你们问问自己这些基本的问题: Who do you want to be? What inspires you? How do you...

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Folks like Lucy Stone and FDR, they didn’t get caught up in their egos or their ideology. 像露西·斯通和罗斯福这样的人,他们并没有陷入自负或自己的意识形态中。 They didn’t say “it’s my way or the highway.” 他们没有说,“这是我的路或者高速路。” Instead, they knew where they wanted to go, and they were strategic and pragmatic about getti...

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Back when my husband first started campaigning for President, folks had all sorts of questions of me: 当我的丈夫开始竞选总统时,人们对我有各种各样的质疑: What kind of First Lady would I be? What kinds of issues would I take on? 她会是什么样的第一夫人?她会接受什么样的挑战? Would I be more like Laura Bush, or Hillary Clinton, or Nancy Reagan? 她会更像劳拉·布...

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But here’s the thing — our history provides us with a better story, a better blueprint for how we can win. 其实,我们的历史为我们提供了一幅引领我们走向胜利的美好蓝图。 It teaches us that when we pull ourselves out of those lowest emotional depths, 它告诉我们,当我们将自己从最低落的情绪中拉出来, and we channel our frustrations into studying and organ...

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Next, I’ve always felt a deep sense of obligation to make the biggest impact possible with this incredible platform. 其次,我深感自己有责任利用这么好的平台去尽可能发挥最大的影响。 So I took on issues that were personal to me — issues like helping families raise healthier kids, 因此,我会对我个人比较关心的问题做一些努力。例如,帮助家庭培养健康的孩子, ...

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And when he was up in the sky, Charles sometimes looked down to see black folks out in the cotton fields not far from here 查尔斯在空中飞行时,有时会向下看,看到棉田中, the same fields where decades before, their ancestors as slaves. 黑人在他们的先辈曾经为奴的土地上耕作。 And he knew that he was taking to the skies for them — to give them and their childr...

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Generation after generation, students here have shown that same grit, 一代又一代的传承,塔斯基吉的学生用实践证明, that same resilience to soar past obstacles and outrages — past the threat of countryside lynchings; 唯有坚韧的意志才能冲破重重阻碍,化解心中的愤怒,让曾经私刑的威胁、 past the humiliation of Jim Crow; past the turmoil of the Civil Rights era....

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Now, will this be easy? No, of course not. It will be hard. 这做起来容易吗?不,当然不容易。会很困难。 It will be stressful and frustrating, and you’ll probably have to make some painful compromises along the way. 会充满压力且令人沮丧,你还可能需要在这个过程中做一些痛苦的妥协。 After all, Lucy Stone spent years speaking out for partial suffrage 毕竟,露...

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And you don’t have to be President of the United States to start addressing things like poverty, and education, and lack of opportunity. 你不必像美国总统那样一开始就解决贫困、教育、机会缺乏等这类问题。 Graduates, today — today, you can mentor a young person and make sure he or she takes the right path. 毕业生们,今天,你就可以成为一个年轻人的精神导师,...

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I also have to recognize the Concert Choir. 当然,也要感谢我们的合唱团。 Wow, you guys are good! Well done! Beautiful song. 你们太棒了!多么美妙的曲子! And I have to join in recognizing all the folks up in the stands — the parents, siblings, friends 感谢在看台上的家长、兄弟姐妹、朋友们, so many others who have poured their love and support into the...

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Now, I don’t know whether your President knows what I was going to say today, 现在,我不知道校长是否了解我今天演讲的话题, but I know that he had some kind words for you all about this issue. 但是我相信他肯定给你们说过一些相关的话语。 But it’s no coincidence that we’re both urging you to get involved in civic life. 但是我们都在敦促你们参加公...

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