英文欣赏之人生感悟 (94)孩子起名学问大 Baby Names

Baby Names 孩子起名学问大 Few decisions are more personal than the naming of offspring. 给自己的孩子取名完全是个人私事, Yet laws regulating the choice of both first names and surnames are common around the world. 但世界上对孩子取名有所限制的国家还真不少。 Denmark expects new parents to choose from a register of acceptable names;Portugal lists banned and approved ones. 丹麦...

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And here’s what the checklisted childhood looks like. 清单式的生活就是: We keep them safe and sound and fed and watered, and then we want to be sure they go to the right schools, 我们确保他们安全、健康、吃好、喝好,然后期望他们进入好学校, that they’re in the right classes at the right schools, 并且是好学校的好班级, and that they get the righ...

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And so with our overhelp, our overprotection and overdirection and hand-holding, 随着我们的过度帮助,过度保护,过度指导和过度关怀, we deprive our kids of the chance to build self-efficacy, which is a really fundamental tenet of the human psyche, 我们剥夺了孩子建立自我能效的机会,自我能效是人类心智的重要准则, far more important than that self-esteem they get ev...

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And our kids, regardless of where they end up at the end of high school, they’re breathless. 我们的孩子,无论高中毕业时结果怎样,都被压得喘不过气。 They’re brittle. They’re a little burned out. 他们心理脆弱,精疲力竭。 They’re a little old before their time, wishing the grown-ups in their lives had said, 他们比实际年龄更老成,盼望着大...

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And here’s what it feels like to be a kid in this checklisted childhood. 那么在清单式童年中长大的孩子是怎样的呢。 First of all, there’s no time for free play. 首先,他们没有自由玩耍的时间。 There’s no room in the afternoons, because everything has to be enriching, we think. 整个下午都没有空闲,因为我们觉得任何事都要充实起来。 It’s a...

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I have to admit something to you. 我得向你们坦白一些事。 I’ve got two kids I mentioned, Sawyer and Avery. They’re teenagers. 我刚才提到我的两个孩子,Sawyer和Avery,他们都十来岁。 And once upon a time, I think I was treating my Sawyer and Avery like little bonsai trees… 有一次,我觉得我对待我的Sawyer和Avery,就像对待盆栽一样… that I ...

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All right, so you’re thinking, chores and love, that sounds all well and good, but give me a break. 好,你可能会想,家务和爱,这听起来很好,但是得了吧。 The colleges want to see top scores and grades and accolades and awards, and I’m going to tell you, sort of. 大学看的是好成绩、荣誉和奖项,我会告诉你们,是有那么点。 The very biggest brand-name schoo...

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And even though we might help them achieve some short-term wins by overhelping 即使我们可以通过这种过度帮助来让他们获得一些短期的成功 like they get a better grade if we help them do their homework, 比如帮他们做作业而拿到的好成绩, they might end up with a longer childhood résumé when we help 在我们的帮助下,他们可能会有一个更好看的童年简历, what I’m...

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You know, I didn’t set out to be a parenting expert. 我从没想过做一个育儿专家。 In fact, I’m not very interested in parenting, per Se. 事实上,我本身对育儿也没什么兴趣。 It’s just that there’s a certain style of parenting these days that is kind of messing up kids, 只是因为当今有一种育儿方式会把孩子搞得一团糟, impeding their chance...

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We all know this, and yet, in the checklisted childhood, 我们都已经清楚,在清单式童年中, we absolve our kids of doing the work of chores around the house, 我们不让孩子做家里的杂活, and then they end up as young adults in the workplace still waiting for a checklist, 当他们长大进入职场,还在等待一个清单, but it doesn’t exist, and more importantly, l...

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天真与经验之歌:第26篇 扫烟囱的孩子

The Chimney-sweeper 扫烟囱的孩子 A little black thing among the snow, 雪地里有一个黑黑的小东西: Crying! ‘weep! weep!’ in notes of woe! 叫喊着扫呀,扫呀,哭哭啼啼! ‘Where are thy father and mother? Say!’— 喂!你的爸爸妈妈都哪儿去了? ‘They are both gone up to the church to pray. 他们都到礼拜堂去做祷告。 ‘Bec...

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美文阅读 (400)惹人爱的孩子

A Child to Love — Kelly McGinnis 惹人爱的孩子–凯丽·麦金尼斯 You can have your wealth and riches 你或许会腰缠万贯 All the things so many seek 要追寻的万千事物 Position, power, and success 有地位,权利,还有成功 The fame you long to keep 以及你求知若渴的名望 You can earn as much as you wish 你或可以财进如期 Reach a status high above 抑或身兼要职高人一等 But none of...

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