
We’re at a very interesting place in agriculture in Africa. 我们处在非洲农业非常有趣的节点上。 By the end of this year, we’ll have almost one billion mobile phone subscriptions. 到今年年底,我们将会有接近十亿手机订阅用户。 We have the power in our hands to ensure that livestock production systems are not only healthy, productive and profitable, 我...

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We totally underestimate the importance of our smallholder farmers. 我们完全低估了小型养殖户的重要性。 We’re beginning to recognize how important they are and how they influence our medical health, 我们现在开始认识到他们有多重要,还有他们会如何影响我们的医疗健康, our biosafety and more recently, our cognitive and our physical health. 生物安全,还有最近...

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I want to introduce you to my badass friends. Meet Thelma and Louise. 我想向你介绍我的朋友们。西尔玛和路易斯。 I’m passionate about cows. 我对奶牛充满了热情。 And although they’ve been getting a lot of crap lately due to methane emissions and climate change, 虽然它们最近因为甲烷排放和气候变化引发了很多非议, I hope that I can redeem their reput...

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We recognize that we are all part of the global food network: producers and consumers, you and me, and every farmer. 我们意识到我们都是全球食物网络的一部分,生产者和消费者,你和我,以及每一位农场主。 We’re focusing now on trying to bring together producers and consumers 现在我们的重点在于尝试把生产者和消费者整合在一起, to take action and take responsibili...

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Protein is one of our most important dietary requirements, and evidence shows that lack of essential amino acids, 蛋白质是我们最重要的日常所需,有证据显示,若孩童饮食中缺乏氨基酸, the building blocks of proteins, in young children’s diets, can result in stunting. 构成蛋白质的基本物质,可能会造成生长迟缓。 Essential amino acids are called essential because...

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