双语美文之似水流年 (40)如花的托斯卡纳(8)

There will be tufts of iris everywhere, arising up proud and tender. When the rose-coloured wild gladiolus is mingled in the corn, and love-in-the-mist opens blue: in May and June, before the corn is cut. 世界将变成一丛丛蝴蝶花的天下,它们得意而柔嫩地昂起头。五六月。谷物还没收割的时候。在野外,玫瑰色的唐菖蒲就会混合在谷物中。而黑种草开着蓝色的花朵。 But as yet is neit...

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双语美文之似水流年 (34)如花的托斯卡纳(2)

And now that it is March, there is a rush of flowers. 现在正是三月,也是花儿竞相开放的时节。 Down by the other stream, which turns sideways to the sun, and tangles the brier and bramble, down where the hellebore has stood so wan and dignified all winter, there are now white tufts of primroses, suddenly come. 在其他一些朝太阳方向流动的溪流边,荆棘灌木交错。菟葵无助...

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双语美文之似水流年 (41)如花的托斯卡纳(9)

But in the sunny countries, change is the reality and permanence is artificial and a condition of imprisonment. Hence, to the northerner, the phenomenal world is essentially tragical, because it is temporal and must cease to exist. Its very existence implies ceasing to exist, and this is the root of the feeling of tragedy. 然而,对于生活在阳光地带的人,却是不同的概念。变...

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双语美文之似水流年 (39)如花的托斯卡纳(7)

Also there are the huge bud-spikes of the stout, thick-flowering pink orchid, huge buds like fat ears of wheat, hard-purple and splendid. 当然。也少不了顶着巨大的花苞穗,长满茂密花儿的强壮粉红兰花,兰花那巨大的花苞穗如同饱满地麦穗一样,配上耀眼地紫色,让人觉得完美无缺。 But already odd grains of the wheat-ear are open, and out of the purple hangs the delicate pink rag...

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双语美文之似水流年 (33)如花的托斯卡纳(1)

North of the Alps, the everlasting winter is interrupted by summers that struggle and soon yield; south of the Alps, the everlasting summer is interrupted by spasmodic and spiteful winters that never get a real hold, but that are mean and dogged. 在阿尔卑斯山的北面。持续地冬天遭到了夏季的顽强抵抗。很快屈服了。而其南面,夏季被间歇地、充满敌意地寒冬阻挡,永远也不能真正占了...

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双语美文之似水流年 (38)如花的托斯卡纳(6)

In the wood, the scrub-oak is only just coming uncrumpled, and the pines keep their hold on winter. 在森林里,矮灌木即将倒下,而松树在冬天里则稳稳地保持自己的站姿。 They are wintry things, stone-pined. 冬天是最适宜石松生长的季节。 At Christmas, their heavy green clouds are richly beautiful. 一到圣诞节的时候,石松团团的深绿色更显得婀娜多姿。 When the cypres...

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双语美文之似水流年 (35)如花的托斯卡纳(3)

It is so conspicuous and so individual, that pink among the coming green of spring, because the first flowers that emerge from winter seem always white or yellow or purple. 绿意盎然地春天里。桃树的粉色是如此别致。因为最先从冬天开出来地花,通常看起来都是白色或黄色地或紫色的。 Now the celandines are out, and along the edges of the podere, the big, sturdy, black-purple a...

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双语美文之似水流年 (37)如花的托斯卡纳(5)

The cherry tree is something the same, but more sturdy. 樱桃树和白杨差不多,只是更加顽强。 Now, in the last week of April, the cherry blossom is still white, but waning and passing away:it is late this year, and the leaves are clustering thick and softly copper in their dark blood-filled glow. 现在都已是四月的最后一个星期,白色的樱桃花依然绽放,可已经渐渐虚弱,即将...

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双语美文之似水流年 (36)如花的托斯卡纳(4)

In the pause towards the end of April, when the flowers seem to hesitate, the leaves make up their minds to come out. 寂静的四月底,在花儿们踌躇不定的时候,叶子们一股脑地跑了出来。 For some time, at the very ends of the bare boughs of fig trees, spurts of pure green have been burning like cloven tongues of green fire vivid on the tips of the candelabrum. 一时间,纯...

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