
Now I have two points to make 我想说的有两点 First, this man who had lost nine of his ten children led me through that camp with a smile on his face, 第一 这个男人失去了自己十个孩子中的九个 带着我参观营地的时候面带笑容 and never talked about anything but what those other people needed and what he wanted me to do for them 除了大家需要什么 和他希望我能为大家做些什么之外 从未提...

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2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(6)

In front of millions of people each of them think they are an expert on what are good baseball plaers 有几百万人评价他们的一举一动 他们中的每一个人都认为 他们是成为优秀棒球运动员方面的专家 They had statistics attached to every move they made on their job 他们做的每一件事都有数据统计 And yet they were misvalued because the wider world was blind to their luck 但他们却被错估了 ...

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It's my pleasure and honor to introduce to you, Class of 2013, the Woz and only Mr. Steve Wozniak 2013届毕业生们 我非常荣幸地为你们介绍 独一无二的史蒂夫?沃兹尼亚克先生 Thank you. Thank you very much 谢谢你们 非常感谢 You've really got it, made it in life when you can be refered to by one name like Steve or something like that 当你能被人们用一个名字提起 比如史蒂夫什么...

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And, I'm not quite that old while I'll look it in some days 虽然我还没那么老 但是多些日子就会的 But I also am glad to be here because of the record of this great university 另外一个让我很高兴来到这里的原因是这所优秀大学的纪录 And I wanna try to talk about not only Howard's leadership in preparing people for science, engineering, technology and mathematics careers...

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So very seldom do we really pay attention to the fact that life does have rules if you look for them 我们很少真正去注意这个事实 那就是如果你仔细去找 生活中是存在规则的 My wife and I recently went to a basketball game in Stanford University of Colorado vs. Stanford 我妻子和我最近去斯坦福看了一场篮球赛 科罗拉多大学对斯坦福大学 And we were sitting in the Colorado seats up in th...

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The human vs. the technology, which is more important? 人类和技术 哪个更重要? Almost everyone you out there would say the human but it's very intersting when you get into companies 几乎你们每个人都会说人类可是等你们进了公司就会发现 有意思的是 you're working on products, you have to think very hard you have to put so much work in the products to make them work in a n...

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Chancellor Wrighton, members of the Board of Trustees and the Administration, distinguished faculty, Class of 1965, hard-working staff, my fellow honorees, proud and relieved parents, calm and serene grandparents, distracted but secretly pleased siblings, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, graduating students, good morning. I am deeply honored that you have asked me here ...

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All the hospitals but one in the capital city were destroyed 首都只剩下一所医院未被毁掉 I, working with my friend Dr. Paul Farmer, helped rebuild them in every part of the country 我跟我的朋友保罗·法默博士一起帮助重建这个国家各地的医院 But they don't want to take any foreign assistance from anybody to do anything after 2020 但是他们不想在2020年之后继续接受任何类型的外国...

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2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(7)

Exactly 30 minutes into the problem-solving the researchers interrupted each group 在他们开始解决问题30分钟时 研究人员们会打断各组 They entered the room bearing a plate of cookies. Four cookies 他们会拿着一盘饼干进入房间 The team consisted of three people and there were these four cookies 总共四块 小组里有三个人 但却有四块饼干 Every team member obviously got one cookie but t...

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Also bought my first guitar for $25 there Music was an important part of my life And it's just so relaxing to play with the guitar every day for twenty years 我也在那里花25美元买了第一把吉他音乐是我人生重要的一部分二十年来每天弹弹吉他真的是太放松了 Top Dog, here in Berkeley, I've never… I have never… That inspired me and my computer design so much 伯克利...

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In the meantime, a lot of intellectuals at this campus had stood up for universal human values 同时 这座校园里的许多知识分子捍卫了人类的普世价值 They had stood up for… 他们捍卫了 Excuse me. There's a little bit of echoes why I have trouble speaking 不好意思 我讲话有困难是因为有一点回声 They stood up for human rights 他们捍卫人权 They stood up for wars that were wro...

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Thank you, President Torres. Welcome, Governor Patrick. Thank you, everyone, for being here. The 146th annual meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association at the 364th Commencement of Harvard University. It's a particular pleasure to welcome former Governor Deval Patrick of the College Class of 1978 and the Harvard Law School Class of 1982. Throughout his distinguished care...

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2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(5)

They don't want to acknowledge the role played by accident in their lives 他们不愿承认机会事件 在他们生命中所扮演的角色 There is a reason for this the world does not want to acknowledge it either 他们这么认为是有原因的 这个世界也不愿意承认运气的角色 I wrote a book about this, called Moneyball 为这我写了一本书 叫《点球成金》 It was ostensibly about baseball but was in fac...

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Here in the United States less than a thirdof our fellow citizens 在美国只有不超过1/3的公民 Have acknowledged the troubles that lieahead 认识到了未来的麻烦 We have to engage in 我们需要参与进来 We have to bring them around so we can allget to work 我们需要让所有人一起开展工作 And dare I say it, change the world 我敢说这样就能改变世界 And I think we can, here's why 我们肯...

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Chairman, Principal,Ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't be more pleased to be back at this great institution and to be with you on such a special day in all your careers. I now realize I have been President of the College for the last thirty years, which makes me feel somewhat ancient, but it also means that I have seen some remarkable changes, including the introduction of...

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It's my pleasure now to introduce this year's commencement speaker 我很高兴介绍今年的毕业典礼演讲嘉宾 Maybe that's enough 也许这就够了 Scientist 科学家 engineer 工程师 comedian 喜剧演员 author 作家 inventor 发明家 he is a man with a mission to help for us to scientifically literate society 他是一个带有使命的人帮助我们普及科学知识 and to help people everywhere und...

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Our human population has risen significantly 这时 人类人口大幅增加了 It went from one and three quarters to 2.3 billion just a couple of decades 仅仅二三十年时间 从17.5亿增加到了23亿 As a boy at the New York Worlds Fair in 1965 1965年 我还是纽约世界博览会上观展的一个小男孩 I remember well a large display a tote board depicting the estimated world population of the world 我还...

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And you know why?. 知道为什么吗。 No one knows why. 没人知道为什么。 If a umass Lowell engineer. 如果马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校的。 Or scientist can figure it out. 某位工程师或科学家能够弄清。 He or she may be able to control energy in a way that. 他/她将能够以科幻小说家。 Science fiction writers have only dreamed about. 梦寐以求的方式控制能量。 Maybe you all will find the darko...

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is a consequence of ultraviolet light, of latitude and climate. 这只不过是紫外线 纬度和气候造成的。 There really is no such thing as race. 实际上并没有什么"种族"。 We're one species, each of us much much more alike than we are different. 我们都是一个物种 相似性要远大于差异性。 We all came from Africa. 我们都来自非洲。 Thank you. 谢谢。 We're are all made of...

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