
Hi everybody. 嗨,大家好。 A few days ago, I unveiled a new national plan to confront the growing threat of a changing climate. 就在前几天,我推出了一项新的国家计划以应对日益增长的气候变化威胁。 Decades of carefully reviewed science tells us our planet is changing in ways that will have profound impacts on the world we leave to our children. 几十年来对于科学的反复审视告诉我...

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This is the skyline of my hometown, New Orleans. 这是我家乡新奥尔兰的天际线, It was a great place to grow up, 这是一个适合长大的地方。 but it's one of the most vulnerable spots in the world. 但这也是这世上最脆弱的地方之一, Half the city is already below sea level. 一半的城市都已经低于海平面了。 In 2005, the world watched as New Orleans 在2005年,全世界目睹了,新奥尔兰 ...

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I'd like to share three sets of examples, starting with adapting to violent storms and floods. 我想分享三个例子,开始于适应猛烈的暴风雨和洪水。 In New Orleans, the I-10 Twin Spans, with sections knocked out in Katrina, 在新奥尔南,1-10双拱桥因其中一个被击垮, have been rebuilt 21 feet higher to allow for greater storm surge. 已经重建高21码去适应更猛烈的浪潮。 And these r...

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After a lethal 1995 heat wave 在历经了1995年致命热浪侵袭后, turned refrigerator trucks from the popular Taste of Chicago festival into makeshift morgues, 它将那些在芝加哥美食庆典的冷藏车转换成临时搭建的停尸间 Chicago became a recognized leader, 芝加哥成为大家公认的绿能都市的领导者 tamping down on the urban heat island impact through opening cooling centers, 将原本热浪对冲击...

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Beyond these technical solutions, 除了这些技术层面的措施意外, our work at the Georgetown Climate Center with communities 我们位于乔治城气候中心和社区共同工作 encourages them to look at what existing legal and policy tools are available 鼓励他们参考现存的法律和政策 and to consider how they can accommodate change. 并且考虑如何才能适应变化。 For example, in land use, which are...

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Finally, the positive alternative meshes with our economic challenge and our national security challenge. 最后是这个正面的方案,可以应对经济挑战和国家安全挑战。 America is in crisis — the economy, national security, the climate crisis. 美国正处于危机当中–经济的、国家安全的、气候的危机。 The thread that links them all: our addiction to carbon based fuels, like dir...

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In the last five years we’ve added 70 million tons of CO2 every 24 hours — 25 million tons every day to the oceans. 在过去五年间,我们每二十四小时已经增加了了七千万吨的二氧化碳排放量,每天排放两千五百万吨的二氧化碳到海里。 Look carefully at the area of the eastern Pacific, from the Americas, extending westward, 仔细看看太平洋得东边海域,从美洲一直延伸到...

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Last year I showed these two slides so that demonstrate that the arctic ice cap, 去年我给各位展示了两个关于北极冰帽的演示, which for most of the last three million years has been the size of the lower 48 states, has shrunk by 40 percent. 在过去三百万年中,其面积由相当于美国南方48州面积总和缩减了40%。 But this understates the seriousness of this particular probl...

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Frosty the coal man is a jolly, happy soul. 雪白煤碳先生是个快乐的精灵。 He’s abundant here in America, and he helps our economy grow. 它在美国产量丰富,并且帮助我们的经济成长。 Frosty the coal man is getting cleaner everyday. 雪白的煤碳先生每天都越来越干净。 He’s affordable and adorable, and workers keep their pay. 它物美价廉,让工人们有薪水领。 This is the sour...

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And one reason is, this enormous heat sink heats up Greenland from the north. 有一个原因,北方沉积的大量热能加热了格陵兰岛。 This is an annual melting river. But the volumes are much larger than ever. 这是一条每年融化的河。但流量却比往年都要大。 This is the Kangerlussuaq River in southwest Greenland. 这是格陵兰岛西南的康克鲁斯瓦格河。 If you want to know h...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(1)

The most massive tsunami perfect storm is bearing down upon us. 这场最强大的、完美海啸风暴正在击垮我们。 This perfect storm is mounting a grim reality, increasingly grim reality, 这场完美风暴(指独立发生时没有危险性,但同时发生时会带来灾难性后果的事件组合)正在加剧一个严峻的现实,日趋严峻的现实, and we are facing that reality with the full belief that we can solve our probl...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(6)

So let’s do that. So on this bit of grassland, we’ll do it, but just in the foreground. 那就做吧。我们将在这块小草地上实验这种方式。这只是一开始的样子。 We’ll impact it very heavily with cattle to mimic nature, and we’ve done so, and look at that. 我们将会在上面用大量的家畜来模拟大自然的行为,现在来看下模拟之后草地的样子。 All of that gra...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(5)

This picture is a typical seasonal grassland. 这张图是典型的季节性草原。 It has just come through four months of rain, and it’s now going into eight months of dry season. 刚刚经历了4个月的雨季,将要进入8个月的旱季。 And watch the change as it goes into this long dry season. 注意看草原进入漫长的旱季后的变化。 Now, all of that grass you see aboveground...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(8)

I began helping a family in the Karoo Desert in the 1970s turn the desert that you see on the right there back to grassland, 20世纪70年代我开始帮助一个在卡鲁沙漠的家庭,你们看到在右边沙漠变回了草地, and thankfully, now their grandchildren are on the land with hope for the future. 值得庆幸的是,现在他们的子孙在这片土地上,对未来充满希望。 And look at the amazing...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(10)

Thank you. Thank you. I have, and I’m sure everyone here has, A) a hundred questions, B) wants to hug you. 谢谢。谢谢。我相信这里的每个人,包括我在内,都有好多问题想问,并且想要拥抱你一下。 I’m just going to ask you one quick question. 我只问个简单问题。 When you first start this and you bring in a flock of animals, it’s desert. 当你开始这个...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(3)

When I was a young man, a young biologist in Africa, I was involved in setting aside marvelous areas as future national parks. 我年轻的时候,是非洲的一个年轻生物学家,我参与了一个项目,为国家公园规划未来的野生区域。 Now no sooner — this was in the 1950s — and no sooner did we remove the hunting, 不久后——这是1950年——我们刚取消打猎, drum-beating people to protect...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(2)

I took this picture in the Tihamah Desert while 25 millimeters — that’s an inch of rain — was falling. 这张照片是我在提哈迈沙漠拍的——下着25毫米(一英寸)的雨。 Think of it in terms of drums of water, each containing 200 liters. 把它想成是装在桶里,每桶装200升。 Over 1,000 drums of water fell on every hectare of that land that day. 那天每公顷...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(4)

Clearly, we have never understood what is causing desertification, which has destroyed many civilizations and now threatens us globally. 显然,我们从未明白什么导致了荒漠化,这种荒漠化已经毁掉了很多的文明社会,而现在对我们的威胁是全球性的。 We have never understood it. Take one square meter of soil and make it bare like this is down here, 我们从来都没有搞清楚过。像...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(7)

Today, we have young women like this one teaching villages in Africa how to put their animals together into larger herds, plan their grazing to mimic nature, 今天,我们有像这样的年轻女性在非洲的村庄里传授技术,如何把他们的动物集合成一大群,如何安排计划达到模拟大自然的效果, and where we have them hold their animals overnight — we run them in a predator-friendly ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(9)

I believe I’ve shown you how we can work with nature at very low cost to reverse all this. 我相信我已经向你们展示了我们如何与大自然共处,用很低的成本来扭转这一切。 We are already doing so on about 15 million hectares on five continents, 我们正在全球五大洲,大约1500万公顷的土地上实施这一计划, and people who understand far more about carbon than I do calcul...

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