TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(5)

The World Health Organization just did a big study that they published this year. 世界卫生组织做了一个大型研究,并于今年出版。 And it was done in Europe. 研究在欧洲进行。 And they estimated that 1.6 million years of healthy living are lost every year in Europe because of noise pollution. 他们预计,人类过去160万年形成的健康生活方式在欧洲逐年减少,这正是由于噪音污染。 So they ...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(1)

I've spent the last decade subjecting myself to pain and humiliation, hopefully for a good cause, which is self-improvement. 过去的10年时间,我一直处于悲伤和羞辱中,期待着有一个好的理由改变自己,这个理由就是自我提高。 And I've done this in three parts. So first I started with the mind. 于是我从三方面开始做起,首先从心智开始。 And I decided to try to get smarter by re...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(5)

So this might be a good moment to take a quick time-out to answer a few FAQs about ocean rowing that might be going through your mind. 现在也许正好可以利用一点时间来进行关于大洋横渡的一些问题的解答,当然,这些问题有可能就是你们想问的。 Number one that I get asked: What do you eat? A few freeze-dried meals, but mostly I try and eat much more unprocessed foods. 第一个问题是:...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(3)

And I remember looking at these two versions of my obituary and thinking, "Oh boy, I'm on totally the wrong track here. 我记得我面对着我的这两份讣告,心想:“哦,天呐,我处在错误的人生轨道上, If I carry on living as I am now, I'm just not going to end up where I want to be in five years, or 10 years, or at the end of my life." 如果我继续这样生活下去,我是不...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(8)

But, as I was approaching the end of my water reserves, luckily, our courses were converging. 但是正当我储备的水接近枯竭时,我们幸运地碰到了一起。 They were running out of food; I was running out of water. 他们没有了食物,我没有了水。 So we liaised by satellite phone and arranged to meet up. 我们用卫星电话取得了联系,安排见面。 And it took about a week for us to actually gra...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 休假的力量(7)

We were asked to design an identity for Casa da Musica, the Rem Koolhaas-built music center in Porto, in Portugal. 音乐之家曾请我们设计标志,就是那个由Rem Koolhaas设计建造的音乐中心,在葡萄牙的波尔图。 And even though I desired to do an identity that doesn't use the architecture, I failed at that. 尽管我想要把这个标志设计得与建筑物造型没关,结果却没有成功。 And mostly al...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 休假的力量(6)

In the beginning, on the first sabbatical, it was rather disastrous. 我的第一个休假初期,事情进展一点也不顺利。 I had thought that I should do this without any plan, 我以为不用计划, that this vacuum of time somehow would be wonderful and enticing for idea generation. 空闲本身就很好,使人创新。 It was not. I just, without a plan, I just reacted to little requests, not work r...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(6)

And the second point I want to make, the final point, is that — and it's actually been a theme of TEDMED 我想说的第二点,也是最后一点,实际上就是TEDMED的主题– that joy is so important to your health, that very few of these behaviors will stick with me unless there's some sense of pleasure and joy in them. 快乐对人的健康非常重要,要不是这些行为可以带给我快...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(1)

Hi, my name is Roz Savage and I row across oceans. 大家好,我是罗兹·萨维奇,我划船穿越大洋。 Four years ago, I rowed solo across the Atlantic, and since then, 四年前,我曾独自划船横渡了大西洋,之后, I've done two out of three stages across the Pacific, from San Francisco to Hawaii and from Hawaii to Kiribati. 我又完成了跨越太平洋的两个阶段,从旧金山到夏威夷,以及从夏威...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 休假的力量(8)

So it will always fit together, conceptually, of course. 所以在概念的层面而言,它们一定能互相配合。 If Zappa's music is performed, it gets its own logo. 如果演出Zappa的音乐,它会有自己独特的标志。 Or Philip Glass or Lou Reed or the Chemical Brothers, who all performed there, get their own Casa da Musica logo. 或Philip Grass,或Lou Reed,或Chemical Brothers,谁在那里表演...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(6)

So, how do you top rowing across the Atlantic? 你怎么才能超越横渡大西洋? Well, naturally, you decide to row across the Pacific. 很自然,你会决定横渡太平洋。 Well, I thought the Atlantic was big, but the Pacific is really, really big. 我知道大西洋很大,但是太平洋是非常非常大。 I think we tend to do it a little bit of a disservice in our usual maps. 我认为我们应该对平常的地图...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 休假的力量(4)

Then there is a coffee table. I also did a coffee table. It's called Be Here Now. It includes 330 compasses. 我还设计了这张茶几,起名叫“现在到此”。它里面装了330个指南针。 And we had custom espresso cups made that hide a magnet inside, and make those compasses go crazy, always centering on them. 我们还特制了特浓咖啡的小杯子,里面藏着磁铁,它使这些指南针拼命地动,全朝向咖...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 休假的力量(10)

And the idea of course was to make the type so precious that as an audience you would be in between 我们的构思,是把图样做得很精美,要令观赏者觉得难以决定, "Should I really take as much money as I can? Or should I leave the piece intact as it is right now?" 我是要把这些钱尽量拿走,还是保持图像完好无缺? While we built all this up during that week, with the 100 vol...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(7)

But what do you do? Fall down nine times, get up 10. 能怎么样呢?只有屡败屡战。 So, the following year, I set out and, fortunately, this time made it safely across to Hawaii. 第二年,我重新出发,我这次比较走运,安全地划渡到达了夏威夷。 But it was not without misadventure. 但也不是完全地一帆风顺。 My watermaker broke, only the most important piece of kit that I have on the bo...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(9)

I had a meeting with the president there, who told me about his exit strategy for his country. 我在那与该国的总统会面,总统也向我透露了他为国家制定的生存战略。 He expects that within the next 50 years, the 100,000 people that live there will have to relocate to New Zealand or Australia. 他预期在未来的50年里,万千上万的该国国民将不得不去新西兰或澳大利亚定居。 And that made me...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(4)

And the oars kind of became a symbol of just in how many ways I went beyond what I thought were my limits. 这些桨也变成了我可以用多种方式来突破我自认为是极限的标志。 I suffered from tendinitis on my shoulders and saltwater sores on my bottom. 肩部的腱鞘炎让我十分痛苦,海水也杀的臀部非常疼。 I really struggled psychologically, totally overwhelmed by the scale of the challenge...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(2)

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Hold on a minute. 在座的有些人现在一定可能在想,“得了吧。 She doesn't look very much like an ocean rower. 她长得一点也不像个横渡大洋者。 Isn't she meant to be about this tall and about this wide and maybe look a bit more like these guys?" 她是不是长得这么高,或者这么强壮,是不是和这些家伙们有那么一点相似呢?” You'll ...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 休假的力量(5)

If I look at my cycle, seven years, one year sabbatical, it's 12.5 percent of my time. 看看我的周期,干七年,休一年,是我百分之12.5的时间。 And if I look at companies that are actually more successful than mine, 看看比我更成功的公司, 3M since the 1930s is giving all their engineers 15 percent to pursue whatever they want. 3M公司自20世纪30年代起,让所有的工程师花百分之十...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 为什么健康的生活方式几乎把我害死(3)

I also tried to be the safest person I could be, because that's a part of health. 我还尽我所能做个最安全的人,因为这也是健康的一部分。 I was inspired by the Danish Safety Council. 我受到丹麦安全委员会的启发。 They started a public campaign that says, "A walking helmet is a good helmet." 他们发起一个公益活动,口号是:“步行专用头盔是个好头盔”。 So they believe yo...

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TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(10)

I think there are probably three key points here. 我认为有三个关键问题。 The first one is about the stories that we tell ourselves. 第一个关键是我们对自己的认识。 For so long, I told myself that I couldn't have an adventure because I wasn't six foot tall and athletic and bearded. 在很长的时间里,我一直都认为自己不能去冒险,因为我没有六英尺高,也不好运动,而且也没胡子...

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