
One illustration of the transformational power of technology is in Kibera. 一个与科技改革力量有关的例子发生在基贝拉 Kibera is one of Africa's largest slums. 基贝拉是非洲最大的贫民窟之一 It's on the outskirts of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. 位于肯亚首都内罗毕郊区 It's home to an unknown number of people — some say between 250,000 and 1.2 million. 这里...

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In Nigeria, 在尼日利亚 open-source SMS tools are being used by the Red Cross community workers 红十字会的工作人员也在使用开放的短信工具 to gather information from the local community 他们从当地社区里收集资料 in an attempt to better understand and mitigate the prevalence of malaria. 为了更好地理解和控制疟疾的扩散 My colleague, Jason Peat, who runs this program, 我的同事杰森·...

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One illustration of the transformational power of technology is in Kibera. 一个与科技改革力量有关的例子发生在基贝拉 Kibera is one of Africa's largest slums. 基贝拉是非洲最大的贫民窟之一 It's on the outskirts of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. 位于肯亚首都内罗毕郊区 It's home to an unknown number of people — some say between 250,000 and 1.2 million. 这里...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(4)

Technology is also not going to change who you choose to love. 同样科技也改变不了你的择偶对象。 I study the biology of personality, and I’ve come to believe that we’ve evolved four very broad styles of thinking and behaving, 我研究生物心理学,我开始相信人类已经进化出了四个广义的思考及行为方式, linked with the dopamine, serotonin, testosterone and es...

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Now, it’s not just an English problem. 实际上,不仅英国存在这样的的问题。 OECD this year released some figures looking at numeracy in young people, OECD今年发布了一些关于青少年计算能力的数据, and leading the way, the USA — nearly 40 percent of young people in the US have low numeracy. 名单里领先的是美国,大约40%的美国青少年算术能力低下。 Now, ...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(8)

Along with this, we see a rise of a host of beliefs: 不仅如此,各种信仰开始传播: the belief of virginity at marriage, arranged marriages — strictly arranged marriages 坚信婚前必须保持处女身,包办婚姻(严格安排的婚姻), the belief that the man is the head of the household, that the wife’s place is in the home and most important, 坚信男性是一家之...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(11)

Well, I’ve got three points here, right? 好的,我分为三点来说。 First of all, to your first one: there’s no question that we’ve changed, 首先,回答你第一个问题:人类变了,这一点毋庸置疑, that we now want a person to love, and for thousands of years, 现在人们依然渴望爱情,而几千年来, we had to marry the right person from the right backgr...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(9)

Thank you so much for that, Helen. As you know, there’s another speaker here with us that works in your same field. 感谢您的演讲,海伦。今天还有另一位演讲者,她和您在相同的领域里做研究。 She comes at it from a different perspective. Esther Perel is a psychotherapist who works with couples. 不过是从不同的视角来分析问题。诶斯特·佩雷斯从事情侣心理治疗师的工作。 ...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(12)

We did it in the larger culture, and we’re doing it in marriage. 在其他文化中我们已经这么做了,现在我们把它带到婚姻中。 Right, no question about it. But it’s interesting, the millennials actually want to be very good parents 是的,这一点毫无疑问。但有趣的是,如今千禧一代非常渴望成为合格的家长, whereas the generation above them wants to have a very f...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(2)

How is technology changing love? I’m going to say almost not at all. 科技改变了爱吗?我认为没有。 I study the brain. I and my colleagues have put over 100 people into a brain scanner 我从事大脑研究。我和我的同事们对100多人进行了大脑扫描, people who had just fallen happily in love, people who had just been rejected in love and people who are in love long-t...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(10)

So we’ve created what I call this thing of “stable ambiguity.” 这种现象我称为“稳定的模棱两可”。 Stable ambiguity is when you are too afraid to be alone but also not really willing to engage in intimacy-building. 它指的是你害怕被剩下来,孤独终老,但又不愿打开心扉,与人建立亲密关系。 It’s a set of tactics that kind of prolong the uncertaint...

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So I devised a quiz: How well do you know your area? 对此我设计了一个测试:你对你居住的地区了解多少? It’s a simple Web app. 这是一个简单的网络应用。 You put in a post code and then it will ask you questions based on census data for your local area. 输入邮编,它会根据你所在地区的普查数据给你提出问题。 And I was very conscious in designing this. 我...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(7)

So it began to occur to me: during this long extension of the precommitment stage, 于是我突然想到:在这个长期婚前准备期, if you can get rid of bad relationships before you marry, maybe we’re going to see more happy marriages. 如果你在婚前摆脱了一段糟糕的情感关系,或许就会有更多美满的婚姻。 So I did a study of 1,100 married people in America — not on...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(5)

But technology is producing one modern trend that I find particularly important. 但科技正在制造一种当代潮流,我认为它尤为重要。 It’s associated with the concept of paradox of choice. 它和选择悖论这一概念相关。 For millions of years, we lived in little hunting and gathering groups. 千万年来,人类都生活在小型狩猎及采集社会。 You didn’t have the o...

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Back in 2003, the UK government carried out a survey. 早在2003年,英国政府进行了一项调查。 And it was a survey that measured levels of numeracy in the population. 目的是了解国民的算术能力。 And they were shocked to find out that for every 100 working age adults in the country, 47 of them lacked Level 1 numeracy skills. 结果非常让人吃惊,在英国,每100个正值工...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(1)

I was recently traveling in the Highlands of New Guinea, and I was talking with a man who had three wives. 最近,我正在新几内亚高地旅行,我访谈了一位有三个老婆的人。 I asked him, “How many wives would you like to have?” 我问他:“你想要多少个老婆?” And there was this long pause, and I thought to myself, 他停顿了很长时间,我就想, “Is he g...

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It’s the part of mathematics that even mathematicians don’t particularly like, 统计是数学的一部分,但是它是连数学家都不怎么喜欢的那一部分, because whereas the rest of maths is all about precision and certainty, statistics is almost the reverse of that. 因为与其它讲究精确与确定性的数学领域不同,统计学几乎是反其道而行之。 But actually, I was a late co...

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So extraordinary variations, and surprising to some, 如此巨大的差异震惊了一些人, but not surprising to people who have read the work of Daniel Kahneman, for example, the Nobel-winning economist. 但是对一些人来说并不惊讶,比如阅读过诺贝尔经济学奖获得者丹尼尔·卡内曼的研究成果的人。 He and his colleague, Amos Tversky, spent years researching this disjoint between ...

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And I was so thrilled with this study, I started to take questions out in presentations. I was referring to it. 我对这个研究感到很兴奋,并开始在各种演讲中提出这个问题。 Now, I did a presentation at St. Paul’s School for Girls in Hammersmith, 我曾经在哈默史密斯的圣保罗女子中学做过一个演讲, and I had an audience rather like this, except it was comprised ent...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(3)

There’s no question that technology is changing the way we court: 可以肯定的一点是,科技正在改变人类的求爱方式: emailing, texting, emojis to express your emotions, sexting, “liking” a photograph, selfies. 电子邮件、短信、表达情感的符号、色情短信、给照片或自拍点赞。 We’re seeing new rules and taboos for how to court. 关于如何求爱有了新...

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