
You all have come here from all across the country to study, to learn, maybe have a little fun along the way 你们从不同的城市来到这里求学,一路走来经历了很多有趣的事情。 from freshman year in Adams or Younge Hall to those late night food runs to The Coop. 无论是大一学年生活在亚当斯公寓或杨格公寓,还是晚上为了宵夜跑去库珀。 I did my research. To those mornings you woke up ear...

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You've got the knowledge and the skills honed here on this hallowed campus. 在这个神圣的校园里,你们获得了知识和技能。 You've got families up in the stands who will support you every step of the way. 你们有看台上的家人,他们会在漫漫长路上一如既往地支持你。 And most of all, you've got yourselves — and all of the heart, and grit, and smarts that got you to th...

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