
My fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们: I would like to begin by continuing to send our prayers to all of those affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. 让我们继续为哈维以及爱玛飓风中的灾民祷告。以此为序,开始我的演讲。 From Texas to Louisiana to Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, 无论是在德克萨斯州、路易斯安那州、弗罗里达州、...

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They gave us an incredible gift: a vision of the sovereign and self-governing people to control their own affairs. 大会提出人民至上且可以自我管理内部事务的愿景,这是多么伟大的礼物啊! And they gave us a Constitutional system that protected our liberties by enshrining the Rule of Law. 同时,会议也提出建立宪政,即以法律为尊,保证人人享有自由权利。 Patriots like Wa...

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the idea that government’s power is vested in the nation’s citizens – the people to whom we owe our ultimate and sacred allegiance. 即:政府的权力归属国家的公民-对国民,我们毫无保留、忠贞不二。 Our soldiers fight and die to protect our citizens, 我们的士兵为了保护公民而奋斗, and our government is forever duty-bound to safeguard their sovereign...

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