双语美文之似水流年 (118)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(1)

THERE is nothing in Italy,more beautiful to me,than the coast- road between Genoa and Spezzia. 我看来,位于热那亚和斯培两职之间的那条滨海大道,意大利再没有什么可以与之相媲美的了。 On one side:sometimes far below,sometimes nearly on a level with the road,and often skirted by broken rocks of many shapes: 一面是奔腾的蓝色海洋,它时而水位很低,时而几乎与路面持平。...

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双语美文之似水流年 (121)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(4)

Many others are being worked at this moment;others are to be begun to-morrow,next week,next month;others are unbought,unthought of;and marble enough for more ages than have passed since the place was resorted to,lies hidden everywhere: patiently awaiting its time of discovery. 另外有许多山洞是新近开采的;有一些可能会在明天,下周,下个月开始开采;还有的尚未被人承包...

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双语美文之似水流年 (119)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(2)

Some of the villages are inhabited,almost exclusively,by fishermen; 有些村庄,所有居住的村民几乎都是渔民。 and it is pleasant to see their great boats hauled up on the beach,making little patches of shade,where they lie asleep, 他们被巨大的船只拖上海滩,形成一些荫凉,渔民会躺在那里休息; or where the women and children sit romping and looking out to sea,wh...

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双语美文之似水流年 (121)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(4)

Hence,when we came to Spezzia,we found that the Magra,an unbridged river on the high-road to Pisa,was too high to be safely crossed in the Ferry Boat,and were fain to wait until the afternoon of next day,when it had,in some degree,subsided. Spezzia,however,is a good place to tarry at; by reason,firstly,of its beautiful bay; secondly,of its ghostly Inn; third...

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双语美文之似水流年 (120)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(3)

The church is bright with trophies of the sea,and votive offerings,in commemoration of escape from storm and shipwreck. The dwellings not immediately abutting on the harbour are approached by blind low archways,and by crooked steps,as if in darkness and in difficulty of access they should be like holds of ships,or inconvenient cabins under water;and everywhere,there ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (123)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(6)

I might have known better; but,somehow,I had expected to see it,casting its long shadow on a public street where people came and went all day. It was a surprise to me to find it in a grave retired place,apart from the general resort,and carpeted with smooth green turf. But,the group of buildings,clustered on and about this verdant carpet: comprising the Tower,the ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (124)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(7)

If Pisa be the seventh wonder of the world in right of its Tower,it may claim to be,at least,the second or third in right of its beggars. They waylay the unhappy visitor at every turn,escort him to every door he enters at,and lie in wait for him,with strong reinforcements,at every door by which they know he must come out. The grating of the portal on its hinges is th...

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双语美文之似水流年 (122)经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马(5)

The moon was shining when we approached Pisa,and for a long time we could see,behind the wall,the leaning Tower,all awry in the uncertain light; 到达比萨时已是深夜。在好长的一段时间里,我们都能看到围墙后面的斜塔,在朦胧的月光中更加倾斜。 the shadowy original of the old pictures in school-books,setting forth The Wonders of the World. 这就是教科书中古老图片的阴...

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