
Seven million workers have seen their wages rise. 700万员工见到了工资的上涨。 Earlier this month, four states – Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and Washington,in this last general election, 本月的早些时候,4个州–亚利桑那州,科罗拉多州,缅因州和华盛顿州,在这次大选中, overwhelmingly passed minimum wage increases. 整齐划一地通过了最低工资上涨的条款。 It ma...

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Hi folks, this is Joe Biden. 大家好.我是乔·拜登 Over the last eight years, we’ve created more jobs than all the advanced economies in the world combined. 过去8年里,我们创造的就业岗位比所有发达经济体加起来的总和还要多。 Unemployment has been cut in half. Wages are finally on the rise. 失业率被削减了一大半。工资水平最终也开始了上涨。 We’ve gone f...

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Companies benefit from higher productivity and less turnover. 企业得益于更高的生产率和更少的人员流动。 Communities benefit when people have more money to spend at local stores, the diner, the movie theater. 社区得益于人们有了更多的钱在当地的商店,餐馆和影剧院消费。 The entire economy grows. 整个经济因此而增长。 Folks, there is so much more to be done to sei...

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And when Republicans in Congress didn’t act, 在国会的共和党人没有采取行动时, we used our executive authority to – Extend overtime coverage for over 4 million workers – boosting their wages by $12 billion over the next decade. 我们使用我们的行政授权–让400多万员工获得了加班工资–在下一个10年里他们的工资将增加$120亿。 We’ve given ...

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