天真与经验之歌:第14篇 夜

Night 夜 The sun descending in the West, 太阳沉落在西方, The evening star does shine; 晚星的光芒四射, The birds are silent in their nest, 鸟儿在巢里无声响, And I must seek for mine. 我也要寻觅我的巢, The moon, like a flower 月亮像一朵花, In heaven’s high bower, 在天庭中高挂; With silent delight, 沉默的愉快逍遥, Si...

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天真与经验之歌:第19篇 别人的悲哀

On Another’s Sorrow 别人的悲哀 Can I see another’s woe, 我岂能看着别人哀愁 And not be in sorrow too? 自己并不也在难受。 Can I see another’s grief, 我岂能看着别人哀戚, And not seek for kind relief? 却不寻求温和的慰藉。 Can I see a falling tear, 我岂能看着一滴泪掉下来, And not feel my sorrow’s share? 而不感到我...

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天真与经验之歌:第24篇 小女孩的迷失

The Little Girl Lost 小女孩的迷失 In futurity 在未来的时日 I prophesy 我预先看到,宛如先知, That the earth from sleep 大地从睡眠中苏醒, (Grave the sentence deep) (把这句话牢牢记在心) Shall arise, and seek 将起身去寻觅 For her Maker meek; 她和善的上帝: And the desert wild 那一片荒凉的沙漠 Become a garden mild. 将变成温...

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天真与经验之歌:第16篇 保姆的歌

Nurse’s Song 保姆的歌 When voices of children are heard on the green, 草地上听到孩子们的声音 And laughing is heard on the hill, 山坡上也听到他们的笑声, My heart is at rest within my breast, 我的心在胸中感到宁静 And everything else is still. 四周的一切万籁无声。 ‘Then come home, my children, the sun is gone down, 回家吧,孩子们,...

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天真与经验之歌:第21篇 大地的回答

Earth’s Answer 大地的回答 Earth raised up her head 大地抬起她的头, From the darkness dread and drear, 从那可怕又阴郁的黑暗中抬起, Her light fled, 她的光辉已遁去: Stony, dread, 僵硬的恐惧! And her locks covered with grey despair. 她的鬈发被灰灰的绝望遮蔽。 ‘Prisoned on watery shore, 监禁在湿漉漉的海岸 Starry jealousy ...

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天真与经验之歌:第26篇 扫烟囱的孩子

The Chimney-sweeper 扫烟囱的孩子 A little black thing among the snow, 雪地里有一个黑黑的小东西: Crying! ‘weep! weep!’ in notes of woe! 叫喊着扫呀,扫呀,哭哭啼啼! ‘Where are thy father and mother? Say!’— 喂!你的爸爸妈妈都哪儿去了? ‘They are both gone up to the church to pray. 他们都到礼拜堂去做祷告。 ‘Bec...

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天真与经验之歌:第22篇 泥块和小石子

The Clod And The Pebble 泥块和小石子 ‘Love seeketh not itself to please, 爱情并不想讨它自己欢欣, Nor for itself hath any care, 对它自己也丝毫不挂心; But for another gives its ease, 只是为了别人才舍弃安宁, And builds a heaven in hell’s despair.’ 在地狱的绝望中建立一座天庭。 So sung a little clod of clay, 一小块泥巴就这样...

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天真与经验之歌:第17篇 婴儿的欢乐

Infant Joy 婴儿的欢乐 ‘I have no name; 我没有名字 I am but two days old.’ 生下才两天。 What shall I call thee? 我叫你什么? ‘I happy am, 我可挺快活 Joy is my name.’ 我的名字叫欢乐 Sweet joy befall thee! 祝你得到甜蜜的欢乐! Pretty joy! 美妙的欢乐! Sweet joy, but two days old. 甜蜜的欢乐才两天。 Sweet joy I call thee: 我叫你甜蜜的欢乐: Thou dost smil...

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天真与经验之歌:第15篇 春天

Spring 春天 Sound the flute! 吹起长笛! Now it’s mute! 现在它不吮气。 Birds delight, 鸟儿喜欢 Day and night, 白天夜晚。 Nightingale, 夜莺夜莺 In the dale, 在山谷中 Lark in sky,— 天上云雀 Merrily, 多么喜悦 Merrily, merrily to welcome in the year. 欢欢喜喜迎接新年。 Little boy, 小小儿郎 Full of joy; 得意洋洋。 Little girl, 小小姑娘 Sweet and small; 娇小漂亮。 Cock does c...

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天真与经验之歌:第20篇 经验之歌序诗

Introduction 经验之歌序诗 Hear the voice of the Bard, 听那行吟诗人的声音! Who present, past, and future, sees; 他看见现在、过去和未来, Whose ears have heard 他的耳朵听得见 The Holy Word 那神圣的字眼 That walked among the ancient trees; 漫步在那古老的树林间。 Calling the lapsed soul, 呼唤那堕落的灵魂, And weeping in the evening dew; 并且在夜晚的露珠中流泪; That might cont...

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天真与经验之歌:第23篇 升天节

Holy Thursday 升天节 Is this a holy thing to see 这难道是件神圣的事情, In a rich and fruitful land, 在一个富饶的地方, Babes reduced to misery, 婴儿们干瘦得十分凄惨, Fed with cold and usurous hand? 竟让那冰冷的放债的手来喂养? Is that trembling cry a song? 那颤抖的叫声可算是支歌? Can it be a song of joy? 它难道能是一曲欢快的歌唱? And so many children poor? 还有这么多的穷...

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天真与经验之歌:第25篇 小女孩的寻获

The Little Girl Found 小女孩的寻获 All the night in woe 整个夜里在哭泣, Lyca’s parents go 丽嘉的父母去寻觅: Over valleys deep, 越过幽深的溪谷, While the deserts weep. 沙漠也在啼哭。 Tired and woe-begone, 他们伤心又疲乏, Hoarse with making moan, 哭得声音也变哑: Arm in arm, seven days 手臂挽着手臂在这七天里, They traced the desert ways. 在沙漠中追寻她的踪迹。 Seven...

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天真与经验之歌:第27篇 保姆之歌

Nurse’s Song 保姆之歌 When the voices of children are heard on the green, 草地上听到孩子们的声音, And whisperings are in the dale, 山谷里也听到他们的细语轻声: The days of my youth rise fresh in my mind, 我年轻时的时日在我心上鲜明升起, My face turns green and pale. 这时我的脸色苍白又发青。 Then come home, my children, the sun is gone do...

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天真与经验之歌:第18篇 一个梦

A Dream 一个梦 Once a dream did weave a shade 一次一个梦织成一片浓阴 O’er my angel-guarded bed, 笼罩在我那有天使守护的床顶, That an emmet lost its way 我想我是躺在草地上 Where on grass methought I lay. 有一只蚂蚁迷失了方向。 Troubled, wildered, and forlorn, 困惑,茫然,凄凄惨惨, Dark, benighted, travel-worn, 天色已晚,走得疲乏...

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天真与经验之歌:第41篇 一个小男孩的迷失

A Little Boy Lost 一个小男孩的迷失 ‘Nought loves another as itself, 没有人爱别人像爱他自己, Nor venerates another so, 也不会尊敬别人像对自己那样, Nor is it possible to thought 一个思想不可能去理解 A greater than itself to know. 另一个比它本身更伟大的思想; ‘And, father, how can I love you 天父啊,我怎么能对你, Or any of my brothers more? 或对任何我的兄弟爱得更...

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天真与经验之歌:第37篇 伦敦

London 伦敦 I wander through each chartered street, 我漫步走过每一条特辖的街道, Near where the chartered Thames does flow, 附近有那特辖的泰晤士河流过 A mark in every face I meet, 在我所遇到的每一张脸上,我看到 Marks of weakness, marks of woe. 衰弱的痕迹与悲痛的痕迹交错。 In every cry of every man, 每一个成人的每一声呼喊, In every infant...

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天真与经验之歌:第45篇 小学生

The Schoolboy 小学生 I love to rise in a summer morn, 我爱在夏天清晨就起床, When the birds sing on every tree; 当鸟儿在每一棵树上唱起歌; The distant huntsman winds his horn, 远处的猎人把他的号角吹响, And the skylark sings with me: 而云雀在和我相互唱和。 O what sweet company! 哦!多么甜美的同伙。 But to go to school in a summer morn, ...

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天真与经验之歌:第40篇 一棵毒树

The Poison Tree 一棵毒树 I was angry with my friend: 我对我的朋友生气, I told my wrath, my wrath did end. 我说出来,愤怒就平息。 I was angry with my foe: 我对我的仇人气恼! I told it not, my wrath did grow. 我并没说,愤怒却不断增长了。 And I watered it in fears 我怀着恐惧给它浇水, Night and morning with my tears, 早早晚晚洒下我的眼泪: And I sunned it with smiles 我用微笑...

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天真与经验之歌:第35篇 爱情的花园

The Garden Of Love 爱情的花园 I went to the Garden of Love, 我去到爱情的花园里, And saw what I never had seen; 看见了我从未见过的情景: A Chapel was built in the midst, 在我经常玩耍的草地 Where I used to play on the green. 有一座礼拜堂建立在中心 And the gates of this Chapel were shut, 这礼拜堂的大门紧紧关闭, And ‘Thou shalt not’ writ over the door; 门上写着,你...

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天真与经验之歌:第47篇 古行吟诗人的声音

The Voice Of The Ancient Bard 古行吟诗人的声音 Youth of delight! come hither 快乐的青年,到这里来, And see the opening morn, 来看这正在展示的曙光, Image of Truth new-born. 是新生真理的意象, Doubt is fled, and clouds of reason, 疑虑已溜走,理智的乌云 Dark disputes and artful teazing. 阴郁的争论,狡狯的嘲弄全逃遁。 Folly is an endless maze; 愚蠢是一条无穷尽的曲径。 Tangled ...

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